Josef Sudek Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0479 Číslo materiáluVY_32_INOVACE_IVA_DVORAKOVA_JOSEF_SUDEK_10 Název školyStřední škola služeb, obchodu a gastronomie.

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Prezentace na téma: "Josef Sudek Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0479 Číslo materiáluVY_32_INOVACE_IVA_DVORAKOVA_JOSEF_SUDEK_10 Název školyStřední škola služeb, obchodu a gastronomie."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Josef Sudek Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0479 Číslo materiáluVY_32_INOVACE_IVA_DVORAKOVA_JOSEF_SUDEK_10 Název školyStřední škola služeb, obchodu a gastronomie Hradec Králové RočníkTřetí, čtvrtý Vzdělávací oblastAnglický jazyk Vzdělávací oborFotograf Tematický okruhOdborná terminologie k oboru TémaJosef Sudek Jméno autoraMgr. Iva Dvořáková Vytvořeno dne30.03.2013 Metodický popis (anotace) Prezentace v anglickém jazyce o Josefovi Sudkovi představuje život a dílo tohoto významného českého fotografa. Je vytvořena v programu PowerPoint.

2 Josef Sudek The Poet of Prague

3 66446_Sudek_s_kamerou.jpg&imgrefurl= y_a_udalosti/fotografie.html&h=504&w=383&sz=48&tbnid=zTV60jPypYYgkM:&tb nh=90&tbnw=68&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djosef%2Bsudek%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo% 3Du&zoom=1&q=josef+sudek&usg=__XyUVuBILtWqHw8wU5uoG0Kfji- g=&docid=yi7eUx0fClICMM&hl=cs&sa=X&ei=9fVZUZivF_GK4gSIlYDgBw&sqi=2&ve d=0CEUQ9QEwBQ&dur=389 66446_Sudek_s_kamerou.jpg&imgrefurl= y_a_udalosti/fotografie.html&h=504&w=383&sz=48&tbnid=zTV60jPypYYgkM:&tb nh=90&tbnw=68&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djosef%2Bsudek%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo% 3Du&zoom=1&q=josef+sudek&usg=__XyUVuBILtWqHw8wU5uoG0Kfji- g=&docid=yi7eUx0fClICMM&hl=cs&sa=X&ei=9fVZUZivF_GK4gSIlYDgBw&sqi=2&ve d=0CEUQ9QEwBQ&dur=389 Cit.1 66446_Sudek_s_kamerou.jpg&imgrefurl= y_a_udalosti/fotografie.html&h=504&w=383&sz=48&tbnid=zTV60jPypYYgkM:&tb nh=90&tbnw=68&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djosef%2Bsudek%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo% 3Du&zoom=1&q=josef+sudek&usg=__XyUVuBILtWqHw8wU5uoG0Kfji- g=&docid=yi7eUx0fClICMM&hl=cs&sa=X&ei=9fVZUZivF_GK4gSIlYDgBw&sqi=2&ve d=0CEUQ9QEwBQ&dur=431 66446_Sudek_s_kamerou.jpg&imgrefurl= y_a_udalosti/fotografie.html&h=504&w=383&sz=48&tbnid=zTV60jPypYYgkM:&tb nh=90&tbnw=68&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djosef%2Bsudek%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo% 3Du&zoom=1&q=josef+sudek&usg=__XyUVuBILtWqHw8wU5uoG0Kfji- g=&docid=yi7eUx0fClICMM&hl=cs&sa=X&ei=9fVZUZivF_GK4gSIlYDgBw&sqi=2&ve d=0CEUQ9QEwBQ&dur=431 Cit.2

4 Josef Sudek´s biography (1896 Kolín- 1976 Prague) originally a bookbinder 1915 served as a soldier in the First World War and returned from the Italian front without his right arm in spite of his handicap, he was given a camera and started to take photos after the war he studied photography for 2 years founded Czech Photographic Society in 1924 never got married was a shy person never appeared at his exhibit openings only few people appear in his photographs

5 His work despite only having one arm, he used large, bulky cameras with the aid of assistants after war for a while he lived in the Invalidovna, the veterans’ hospital Karlín in Prague, he made here his first important series The Invalidovna in 1922–27 in the 1920s reflects all the trends of modern photography also inspired by Prague - the interior of St. Vitus Cathedral, by nature - Slovak Landscapes, Landscapes of South Bohemia, Landscapes along the Elbe

6 365 365 Cit.3 426 426 Cit.4

7 in the 1940s he developed his unique style of contact prints in which he depicted the personal themes made series over many years main series include Glass Labyrinths, Labyrinths and Memories published several books of photographs of Prague and Prague Castle, his first book came out in Prague in 1956

8 http://www.sudek- 50---70-leta.html http://www.sudek- 50---70-leta.html Cit.5

9 Josef Sudek´s Studio Studio of Josef Sudek is situated in the house U Luny (Úvoz 24), where the Czech photographer Josef Sudek lived from 1959 till his death. UPM takes care of this place and 1995 there was opened Gallery of Josef Sudek.During his life his flat was a place of meeting of Czech artists as Jaroslav Seifert, painter Jan Zrzavý, architect Otto Rothmayer, etc. Cit.6

10 Anecdotes after his death „Sudkova ruka byla neobyčejně velká – asi proto, že měl jen jednu a všechno s ní musel dělat“.


12 Použité zdroje: Autor neuveden. Josef Sudek [online]. [cit. 3.9.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: Autor neuveden. Životopis [online]. [cit. 3.9.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora.

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