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ZveřejnilIvo Denis Vlček
NÁZEV ŠKOLY : Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU : VY_32_INOVACE_3B_04_Jobs 2 TÉMA SADY : Anglický jazyk ROČNÍK : 3., 4. ročník/septima, oktáva DATUM VZNIKU : únor 2013 AUTOR : Mgr. Petra Dušánková
ANOTACE Materiál je určen pro přípravu žáků k ústní maturitní zkoušce z anglického jazyka. Žáci si osvojí slovní zásobu a fráze týkající se tématu Jobs (zaměstnání). V části 1 a 2 žáci ve dvojicích diskutují o ideálním zaměstnání a možnostech a způsobech získání zaměstnání (správné odpovědi jsou na snímcích 5 a 6), na snímcích 7-10 se seznámí s příklady dopisů, které uchazeč o zaměstnání musí napsat a také vyberou a seřadí údaje nutné pro napsání životopisu. V části 3 podle obrázků určí, čeho se vyvarovat při přijímacím pohovoru a jak se na něj připravit. Na snímku 14 spojují otázky se správnými odpověďmi. Časová náročnost – 45 minut.
JOBS – part 2 1.Think of an ideal job for you – what would you consider important? creativitymeeting new people social statussuitable working hours friendly colleaguesfurther education opportunities to travel making a lot of money possibility to work at home other
2. Applying for a job – answer the questions: Where can you get information about job offers? How should you apply for a job? The following vocabulary may help you: vacancy, personnel department, recruitment, advertisements, job centres, applicant, employer, application form, a letter of application, curriculum vitae, references, qualification and language certificates, job interview
Where can you get information about job offers? In job centres, recruitment agencies, from newspaper or internet advertisements, personnel departments of companies
How should you apply for a job? 1.Fill in an application form / write a letter of application 2.Write your personal statement 3.Write your curriculum vitae 4.Enclose necessary references and qualification certificates
A sample letter of application Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the job of ………. advertised in ……….. I am..…….. years old and I have ………. years‘ experience in ………. Please find enclosed my CV and personal statement. I shall be pleased to provide any further information. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Jan Nový
A personel statement This is an overall statement about your achievements, abilities and interests. It focuses on your long-term career plans, your work experience, your hobbies and interests, your short-term career plans and your skills, personality and character.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Look at the list of the items and decide which of them are not convenient or necessary to include in your CV. Then, put the remaining ones in the correct order: referencesfavourite kind of films allergiesother skillsdate of birth educationaddresshobbies namework experience e-mail marital statustelephone numberreligion place of birthexaminations/certificates
Curriculum Vitae: Personal information Name Address Date of birth Telephone number E-mail Work experience (from the most current) Education (from the highest) Examinations and certificates (languages, PC, driving licence) Other skills Hobbies References
3. A job interview Look at the pictures showing the biggest mistakes when being interviewed and explain why this is not appropriate: heavy perfume, informal clothes, too much make-up, chewing, arriving late / being nervous
How to get ready for a job interview: Prepare the copies of your CV, academic qualifications and all required certificates Get some basic knowledge of the company, its departments and the position you are applying for Dress smartly Avoid heavy perfume, too much make-up, bold jewellery, chewing gum Do not arrive late
Greet the interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake Sit straight and make eye contact with the interviewer Always be honest, make all your questions and answers clear Try to avoid improper language Never speak badly about your former employer
Match the questions 1.How did you learn about this job? E 2.Have you ever worked in public relations? D 3.Why do you think you are the right person for this job? A 4.How do you think other people would describe you? C 5.Where do you see yourself in five years? B with their answers: A I am hard-working and reliable. B I see myself in a management position… C They would say I am a good friend who they can trust and ask for help. D Yes, I have. I used to be employed in … E I saw your advert in the local newspaper.
Zdroje: Ilustrace
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