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ZveřejnilŠtěpánka Urbanová
Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0969 Název školy Gymnázium Česká a Olympijských nadějí, České Budějovice, Česká 64 Název materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_AJ_4_REG_LITERATURE_11 Autor Mgr. Věra Regulová Tematický okruh Anglický jazyk – Literatura anglicky mluvících zemí – Lost Generation Ročník 4. ročník Datum tvorby 27. 10. 2012 AnotaceLiteratura anglicky mluvících zemí, téma americká literatura – interaktivní prezentace života a díla anglicky píšících autorů spojená s nadstandardním procvičením lexikálních dovedností, povědomí o životě anglicky píšících autorů a porozumění originálnímu textu v ukázce pro práci ve dvojicích a skupinách s prostorem pro brainstorming. Metodický pokynPrezentace je určena jako východisko i obohacení výkladu a práce s textem, podpora samostatné práce dvojic u PC i domácího studia např. formou pracovního listu podle uvedených pokynů. Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora. DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL
Lost Generation Literature in the English-speaking countries
Task 1: Read the description below and – fill in the gaps, use one suitable word only. ……. ……. ……. This US writer (1) …… influenced the 20th century fiction. It was (2) ……. WWI that he used the term ‘‘Lost Generation‘‘ in his books. The popularity of his work is based not only on the themes but also on the specific style of writing. He applied it in short stories and novels about loves and adventures of tough men – like he was. His best known novels are (3) …… in the world wars and based on his own experience. In 1952 his last, short and world-known novel was published. Two years (4) ……. he was awarded the ultimate literary prize.
Solution to Task 1 – fill in the gaps. ……. ……. ……. This US writer (1) greatly influenced the 20th century fiction. It was (2) after WWI that he used the term ‘‘Lost Generation‘‘ in his books. The popularity of his work is based not only on the themes but also on the specific style of writing. He applied it in short stories and novels about loves and adventures of tough men – like he was. His best known novels are (3) set in the world wars and based on his own experience. In 1952 his last, short and world-known novel was published. Two years (4) later he was awarded the ultimate literary prize.
Task 2: Read the description below and – explain the highlighted phrases, fill in the missing information. ……. ……. ……. This US writer greatly influenced the 20th century …….. It was after WWI that he used the term ‘‘Lost Generation‘‘ in his books. The popularity of his work is based not only on the themes but also on the specific style of writing. He applied it in short stories and novels about loves and adventures of tough men – like he was. His best known novels are set in the world wars and based on his own experience. In ……. his last, short and world-known novel was published. Two years later he was awarded the ultimate literary prize.
Solution to Task 2– explain the highlighted phrases, fill in the missing information. See Notes p7. Ernest Hemingway This US writer greatly influenced the 20th century fiction. It was after WWI, which he took part in as an ambulance driver, that he used the term ‘‘Lost Generation‘‘ in his books. The popularity of his work is based not only on the themes but also on the specific style of writing - using short, simple sentences, a clear dialogue, and omitting or hinting at the point of the story. He applied it in short stories and novels about loves and adventures of tough men (p7) – like he was. His best known novels are set in the world wars and based on his own experience. In 1952 his last, short and world-known novel The Old Man and the Sea was published. Two years later he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature.
Notes Lost generation – young men who fought in WWI in which, though they were not killed, they ‘lost‘ their lives – the meaningfulness of life – in ‘The Sun Also Rises‘ (1926) ‘A Farewell to Arms‘ (1929) – a love story from WWI ‘Death in the Afternoon‘ (1932) – a non-fiction book about bullfighting ‘Green Hills of Africa‘ (1935) – a non-fiction book about his safari trip ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls‘ (1940) – a love story from the Spanish Civil War ‘The Old Man and the Sea‘ (1952) ‘A Moveable Feast‘ (1964, posthumous) – here the first mention of what the term ‘lost generation‘ means
Task 3: Read the excerpt below and – give it a title. ……. ……. ……. He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are always said as though she were a woman. Some of the younger fishermen, those who used buoys as floats for their lines and had motor- boats, bought when the shark livers had brought much money, spoke of her as el mar which is masculine. They spoke of her as a contestant or a place or even an enemy. But the old man always thought of her as feminine and as something that gave or withheld great favours, and if she did wild or wicked things it was because she could not help them. The moon affects her as it does a woman, he thought.
Solution to Task 3 – give the except a title. The Old Man and the Sea He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are always said as though she were a woman. Some of the younger fishermen, those who used buoys as floats for their lines and had motor- boats, bought when the shark livers had brought much money, spoke of her as el mar which is masculine. They spoke of her as a contestant or a place or even an enemy. But the old man always thought of her as feminine and as something that gave or withheld great favours, and if she did wild or wicked things it was because she could not help them. The moon affects her as it does a woman, he thought.
Ernest Hemingway in the cabin of his boat Pilar, off the coast of Cuba AUTOR NEUVEDEN; JOHN F. KENNEDY LIBRARY; UŽIVATEL SCEWING. [online]. [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW:
Hemingway´s house in Key West, Florida LAMECKER, Andreas; UŽIVATEL ANDYL76. [online]. [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW:
Ernest Hemingway (in white trousers) fighting a bull in the amateur corrida at Pamplona fiesta, July 1925 AUTOR NEUVEDEN; VLOŽENO TRUTHKEEPER88; UŽIVATEL SREEBOT. [online]. [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW:
Anglický jazyk a seminář anglické konverzace ve 4. ročníku a oktávě všeobecného gymnázia Metodický pokyn Tato prezentace je určena pro použití ve vyučovací hodině, pro samostatnou práci dvojic u PC i pro samostatné domácí studium prostřednictvím pracovního listu - jako doplněk výkladu či opakování tematických okruhů k maturitní zkoušce na všeobecném gymnáziu. Kromě uvedeného lexikálního cvičení – doplňování vhodných výrazů – a cvičení čtení s porozuměním nabízí rozšíření povědomí o osobnostech literatury anglicky mluvících zemí a o různých aspektech historie a kultury v těchto zemích. Především pak poskytuje možnost seznámit se v ukázkách se stylem psaní daného autora. Vybízí též k aktivní práci s textem ve formě překladu do češtiny a porovnání s uměleckým překladem či převedení do dnešní podoby angličtiny. Je užitečné, předchází-li jednotlivým aktivitám brainstorming – umožňuje ověřit, co žáci již znají, nabídnout, co mohou očekávat, podpořit kreativitu, soutěživost a týmovou práci. Obrázků lze využít nejen k ilustraci daného jevu, ale také k popisu a porovnání.
Zdroje: EDITOR CROWTHER, Jonathan. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture for Learners of English. Oxford: OUP, 2003, ISBN 0-19-431332-8. Výňatek na straně 8 a 9: HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. London: Arrow Books, 2004, ISBN 0-09- 990840-9. str. 19-20 Obrázek na straně 10: AUTOR NEUVEDEN; JOHN F. KENNEDY LIBRARY; UŽIVATEL SCEWING. [online]. [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW: Licence PD Obrázek na straně 11: LAMECKER, Andreas; UŽIVATEL ANDYL76. [online]. [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW: Licence CC - GNU Free Documentation LicenseGNU Free Documentation License Obrázek na straně 12: AUTOR NEUVEDEN; VLOŽENO TRUTHKEEPER88; UŽIVATEL SREEBOT. [online]. [cit. 30.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW: Licence PD
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