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ZveřejnilDagmar Novotná
Název školy Gymnázium, střední odborná škola, střední odborné učiliště a vyšší odborná škola, Hořice Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0873 Název materiálu VY_22_INOVACE_02.01.06 Housing Autor Mgr. Jitka Jindrová Tematická oblast The World Around Me Ročník Čtvrtý Datum tvorby leden – duben 2013
Anotace Popisujeme různé druhy bydlení, srovnáváme rozdíl mezi bydlením v bytě a v rodinném domě, vyjmenováváme různé druhy domů, součásti domu, jeho příslušenství a zahrady, co všechno můžeme na zahradě nalézt a pěstovat. Popisujeme jednotlivé pokoje, vybavení pokojů, elektrické vybavení a nábytek. Popisujeme okolní prostředí domu, atmosféru či sousedy a jak s nimi vycházíme. V neposlední řadě popisujeme svůj vlastní pokoj a zpracováváme téma můj ideální dům či byt Metodický pokyn Student se seznamuje se specifickou slovní zásobou a s tématem souvisejícími frázemi, rozvíjí už osvojené gramatické struktury. Pokročilejší řeší diskutabilní problémy a navrhují řešení. Student si osvojuje reálie anglicky mluvících zemí a dokáže definovat specifičnost daného tématu.
Housing Family house x flat (the general description of the house and its surroundings
Housing Describe the type of house/the flat you live in: detached house, semi-detached house, farm house, terrace-house, block of flats, housing estate It is … years old and has … rooms. Our place includes: an attic / a cellar - furnance - room / floors There are also: balconies, garages
Housing Behind the house: rabbit-hutches, a pig-sty, a kennel, a hen-house a sheep-fold
Housing Does your family have a garden? We have a small/medium-sized/large garden with … fruit trees and … flower- beds We also grow vegetables such as carrots, garlic, onions In addition, we have … Unfortunately we haven´t got a garden next to our flat.
Housing We have a garden at our summer cottage in … There we grow … We have a small garden about … km from or home.
Housing How do you imagine your dream house? In peaceful natural surroundings/the mountains/far away from people/near the ocean/on a tropical island/where there are many exotic plants and animals When I start daydreaming
Housing What type of house would you like? Would you like to build your own house? Mansion with many rooms/cottage is easy to maintain/split-level house A luxury flat is easier to maintain/it takes less work to keep it clean and tidy
Housing If you did not have to worry about money, how would you furnish your dream house? What else would you include in your house? I´d buy for my house custom-made furniture/original paintings/Persian carpets If money was not a concern, I´d also build a/an sauna/private gym/indoor heated pool
Housing How would you decorate your house? What colour would you use? Special lighting/crystal chandeliers/floor- length curtains/potted plats/hand-made tapestries/sheepskin rugs As far as colours, I would select … for the walls/for the curtains/ for the carpets
Housing With whom would you like to live in your dream house? Whom would you invite to visit you? Future marriage partner and our children/close friends/pets I would like to invite to my special place relatives/famous people/poor people
Housing Briefly describe the rooms in your home: In the kitchen we have a sink, fridge, stove, pantry, cupboard, cooker, In the dining-room we have a dining table with … chairs, bookshelf My room has a desk, lamp, rug
Housing In the living-room there is a sofa, coffee- table, stereo, armchairs, bookcase, curtains, chandelier, pottery pieces, carpet In the bedroom there is a double bed, beside table, dressing-table Our hallway has a mirror, closet, coat- rack Bathroom: bathtub, washbasin, shower, blue titles
Housing PECK, E., PECK A. M. Let´s Talk Anew. Plzen: Fraus, 2010. ISBN 978- 80-7238-921-6. http://www.foto snimku/english- cottage.html#comp.asp?recid=5858 0738&xtra
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