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ZveřejnilRenata Tesařová
NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Hnátnice, okres Ústí nad Orlicí DATUM: 14. 5. 2012 AUTOR: Jana Hofrichterová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_17_Jobs and occupation TÉMA SADY: Anglický jazyk II ROČNÍK: 5. ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1871
Anotace materiál je určen k prezentaci a procvičení slovní zásoby: povolání po výukové části si žáci slovní zásobu procvičují podle instrukcí na jednotlivých snímcích
shop assistant (taxi) driver teacher policeman cook waiterwaitress secretary doctor nurse dentist vet
shop assistant (taxi) driver teacher policeman cook waiterwaitress secretary doctor nurse dentist vet
Přiřaď slova k obrázkům, vybírej z rámečku uprostřed. Kontrola kliknutím na smajlíka. shop assistant (taxi) driverteacher policemancookwaiter waitress secretary doctor nurse dentist vet (taxi) driver, policeman, waiter, nurse, dentist, secretary, waitress, doctor, teacher, cook, vet, shop assistant
This is my brother John. He´s a policeman. These are my parents. My father is a cook and my mother is a waitress in our family restaurant. Hello, my name is Kate. I am a secretary. This is my oldest brother Michael. He works as a waiter. This is my youngest sister Cindy. She is a dentist. This is my sister Julia. She´s a shop assistant in a department store. Read.
This is my brother John. He´s a ______________. These are my __________. My father is a _________and my mother is a ___________ in our family restaurant. Hello, my name is Kate. I am a ________________. This is my oldest brother Michael. He works as a _____________. This is my youngest sister Cindy. She is a ________________. This is my sister Julia. She´s a _____ ____________in a department store. Complete.
Answer the questions. Pro nápovědu klikni na smajlíka s otazníkem. Is Kate a nurse? How many brothers has she got? Has she got one sister? Do Kate´s parents work in a department store? Is Michael Kate´s oldest brother? Is Cindy a nurse? Does Julia work as a teacher? Is John a policeman? KONTROLA No, she isn´t. She has got two brothers. No, she hasn´t. No, they don´t. Yes, he is. No, she isn´t. Yes, he is.
This is my brother John. He´s a policeman. These are my parents. My father is a cook and my mother is a waitress in our family restaurant. Hello, my name is Kate. I am a secretary. This is my oldest brother Michael. He works as a waiter. This is my youngest sister Cindy. She is a dentist. This is my sister Julia. She´s a shop assistant in a department store. Read.
Is he a taxi driver? Is he a cook? Is she a secretary? Is she a waitress? Is she a nurse?Is she a dentist? Answer the questions. KONTROLA Yes, he is. No, he isn´t. No, she isn´t. Yes, she is. No, she isn´t.
computer, telephone, coffee bus, car, taxi headache, cold, sore throat pupils, blackboard, school kitchen, dinner, fish and chips drink, menu department store, supermarket, food, money animals, pets, illness Podle nápovědy uhodni, o které povolání se jedná. shop assistant teacher waiter, waitress doctor secretary driver cook vet KONTROLA
obrázky jsou z webové galerie: cz/images/?CTT=6&ver=14&app=powerpnt.exe
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