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ZveřejnilKlára Kateřina Žáková
Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0969 Název školy Gymnázium Česká a Olympijských nadějí, České Budějovice, Česká 64 Název materiálu Animals and Nature trivia quiz Autor Bc. Tamara Divišová Tematický okruh knowledge quiz - animals Ročník Elementary + Datum tvorby 27.12.2012 AnotaceAnimals, nature, quiz Metodický pokynprezentace je určena jako výklad do hodiny i jako materiál k samostudiu Možnosti využití: promítání, práce jednotlivců nebo dvojic u PC Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL
Animals & Nature Trivia quiz
How large can an elephant beetle grow? 1 About 20cm 2 About 1cm 3 About 10 cm 4 About 5cm
What is largest species in the deer family? 1 Tufted Deer 2 Fallow Deer 3 Roosevelt's muntjac 4 Moose
What is the smallest breed of dog? 1 Pug 2 West Highland Terrier 3 Chihuahua 4 Yorkshire terrier
What is the largest real animal to have a year dedicated to it in the Chinese calendar? 1 The horse 2 The monkey 3 The ox 4 The dragon
What is the heaviest breed of bear? 1 Polar bear 2 Panda 3 Brown bear 4 Sun bear
What's the longest-living land mammal after man? 1 Orangutan 2 Grizzly bear 3 Elephant 4 Horse
Where does the largest species of tiger originate from? 1 Africa 2 Pakistan 3 Siberia 4 India
Which is the world's tallest living animal? 1 The camel 2 The polar bear 3 The elephant 4 The giraffe
How heavy is an adult elephant? 1 2500-3500 kg 2 4000-5000 kg 3 1000-2000 kg 4 3500-4500 kg
How heavy is the Blue Wale's heart? 1 600 kg 2 100 kg 3 300 kg 4 800 kg
ANSWERS How large can an elephant beetle grow? 2 In size, Elephant Beetles range between 7–12 cm (2.75-4.75 in); males are sometimes even bigger. Males are around 2 to 3 times bigger than the females. What is largest species in the deer family? 4 The moose is the largest deer species. It grows to over 6 feet at the shoulder, 10 feet in length and 1,800 lbs. in weight. What is the smallest breed of dog? 3 Not only is the Chihuahua the smallest breed of dog in the world, it's the only "natural" toy breed. What is the largest real animal to have a year dedicated to it in the Chinese calendar? 3 Niú Ox 丑 Chǒu 1997-02-07 2009-01-26 2021-02-12Ox What is the heaviest breed of bear? 1 It is a close call, but the polar bear is generally considered the largest bear on Earth with average weight of 900-1,500 pounds. What's the longest-living land mammal after man? 2 The longest lived "land" mammal after humans is most probably the elephant at 65+ years. The longest lived "mammal" is most probably the Bowhead whale which has been reported to live 211+ years. Where does the largest species of tiger originate from? 3 The Siberian tiger is the largest living felid and ranks among the biggest cats to ever exist. Which is the world's tallest living animal? 4 The Giraffe is the world’s tallest living animal – a male giraffe grows up to 4.9 – 5.5 metres. How heavy is an adult elephant? 2 The weight of an african giant elephant can be on average 4-5 tonnes. How heavy is the Blue Wale's heart? Its heart weighs 600 kilograms and is the llargest known in any animal
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Zdroje: Sady MS Office archiv autora Wikipedia
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