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Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_35_Festivals.

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Prezentace na téma: "Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_35_Festivals."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_35_Festivals NÁZEV: VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_35_Festivals TEMA: Festivals CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1529 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1529

2 Výukový materiál: EUPŠ _OP VK_Šrubařová_AJ2_35_Festivals Šablona:III/2 Sada:AJ2 Autor: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová Vytvořeno: Prosinec 2012 Ověřeno: Ročník: 6 a výše Druh učebního materiálu: Prezentace Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Předmět: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Konverzace Téma:Festivals Anotace: Definice svátku nebo festivalu. Témata ke konverzaci. Přehled svátků v Británii a v České republice. Jaké jsou rozdíly mezi slavením velikonoc v Británii a u nás. Srovnání. Sestavení seznamu činností na velikonoce. Vymyslete ve skupinách svůj vlastní svátek. Poznámky:

3 Festivals What is a festival – definition British festivals Czech festivals Comparison

4 Festivals What is a festival??? It is usually a day (or more days) for celebration. These days often repeat every year. Many festivals are religious of have religious origin. People in different countries celebrate different festivals. But some of the christian festivals are similar all around the world.

5 Festivals Topics for conversation: Do you like celebrations? Do you enjoy family celebrations? Which festival do you like the most? What do you like about family celebrations? What don´t you like about family celebrations? Are there any special songs, rhymes, gifts that go with some special celebration? What is your favourite way of celebrating a holiday?

6 Festivals British festivals by month January: New Year´s Day February:St. Valentine´s Day March:St. Patrick´s Day April:Mothering Sunday – Easter May:May Day June:Spring Bank Holiday September:Harvest Festival October:Halloween November:Guy Fawkes Night, Remembrance Day December:Christmas

7 Festivals Czech festivals by month January: New Year´s Day April:Easter May:May Day=lovers day, Mothering Sunday June:Children Day July:Den slovanských věrozvěstů September:Den české státnosti October:Den vzniku samostatného československého státu November:Den boje za svobodu a demokracii, All Saints Day, All Souls Day December:Christmas

8 Festivals Easter – in the United Kingdom – Egg hunt – is Easter holiday activity for kids. The parents or the Easter bunny hides the hard-boiled eggs or chocolate eggs in the house and in the garden. Children try to find as many of them as they can. When they find an egg – they can eat it. – Egg roll – traditional game played at Easter. You need a hard- boiled and decorated egg and a grassy hill. The children take their eggs at the top of the hill and then start to roll them down. The egg that rolls the fastest down is the winner. - Religious traditions: - going to church for Mass service on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday. What are the differences between Easter in the UK and Easter in the Czech Republic?

9 Festivals Easter – in the Czech Republic – Egg decoration – is Easter holiday activity mainly for girls. They decorate the hard-boiled eggs with special egg colours or they can use natural materials as onion skins or beetroot. When the eggs are coloured the girls can paint or decorate the eggs with some pictures or ornaments. – Pussy willow braids – young pussy willow twigs are symbols of youth and good health. People especially the girls who are whiped by them should be young and healthy for the whole year. They go carolling on Easter Monday and they whip the girls´legs with the braids. The girls give them the decorated eggs in turn. is. For some people Easter is a religious festival. They celebrate that Jesus Christ died and came back to life. The days in the Holy week have their special names: GreenThursday, Great Friday, White Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday.

10 Festivals How do people celebrate Christmas in the UK and how in the Czech Republic? What is the same and what is different? Is there any special food? What is it? Do you like it? Can you prepare it?

11 Festivals After watching the video – try to do your list of things that you associate with Christmas/Easter. Po shlédnutí videa se pokuste sestavit svůj seznam činností, které děláte na Vánoce/Velikonoce. ?v=x_10Jqg6Siw ?v=x_10Jqg6Siw

12 Festivals In groups of 4 try to set up your new festival and how it will be celebrated – or add some new features to our traditional celebrations. Ve skupinách po 4 se pokuste zavést nějaký nový svátek a navrhněte, jak by se mohl slavit – nebo přidejte nové způsoby slavení k našim tradičním svátkům. Použité zdroje:

Stáhnout ppt "Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_35_Festivals."

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