NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_09_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Christmas ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:

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Prezentace na téma: "NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_09_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Christmas ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_09_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Christmas ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.09/21.0816 Christmas

2 Datum vytvoření projektu leden 2012 Ročník5. Popis prezentaceZopakování a procvičení slovní zásoby tématu – Christmas, spojení obrázků se slovy, Christmas traditions, Christmas presents, Christmas wish

3 Christmas time Do you decorate your house ? What do you need ?  candles  decoration  wreath  Christmas tree  chain  bells  Gold balls  holly  mistletoe  electric lights

4 Christmas time Do you decorate your house ? What do you need ?  candles  decoration  wreath  Christmas tree  chain  bells  Gold balls  holly  mistletoe  electric lights

5 Christmas - Decorate your Christmas tree What do you put on (under) ? a Christmas tree presents sparkles gold balls bells a candle a chain candles decorations

6 At Christmas  When do you celebrate Christmas ?  What do you decorate ?  When do you open the presents ?  What do you have for Christmas dinner ? We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve - December 24. We decorate our house (flat) and the Christmas tree. We open the presents in the afternoon (evening). We have pea soup,potato salad and roast carp.

7 Christmas–what are the other words ?  In the Czech Republic  In Great Britain

8 Christmas in the Czech Republic What are the other words ? 1. 2.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Father Christmas 2. singing carols 3. roast carp 4. twigs 5.cookies 6.gingerbread

9 Christmas in Great Britain What are the other words ? Santa Claus Stokings Illuminated house fireplace Roast turkey Family Church Christmas pudding Santa´ s sleigh

10 Christmas in Britain Read and translate – use the dictionary Christmas is the day when the Christ was born. It is the biggest festival of the year. On Christmas Eve (December 24) people decorate Christmas trees by candles, gold balls and a lot of sweets. Stockings are hung up. Children believe they will be filled by Father Christmas. On Christmas Day (December 25) children open the presents. Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey, roast potatoes and Christmas pudding

11 Christmas in Britain Christmas is the day when the Christ was born. It is the biggest festival of the year. On Christmas Eve (December 24) people decorate Christmas trees by candles, gold balls and a lot of sweets. Stockings are hung up. Children believe they will be filled by Father Christmas. On Christmas Day (December 25) children open the presents. Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey, roast potatoes and Christmas pudding

12 Christmas presents What do you get at Christmas ? I get presents from my parents.  I get a T-shirt from my mum.  I get a scooter from my dad.  I get jeans from my grandma.  I get a doll from my sister. I get presents from my parents.  I get a T-shirt from my mum.  I get a scooter from my dad.  I get jeans from my grandma.  I get a doll from my sister. What do you give at Christmas ? I give presents to my parents.  I give a scarf to my mother.  I give a tie to my father.  I give a train to my brother.  I give gloves to my grandpa. I give presents to my parents.  I give a scarf to my mother.  I give a tie to my father.  I give a train to my brother.  I give gloves to my grandpa.

13 Christmas Write a Christmas a card  24 th December – Christmas Eve  25 th December – Christmas Day  26 th December – Boxing Day I wish you merry Christmas and a happy New Year ! Sing a Christmas song  Jingle Bells Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh, what fun It is to ride In a one- horse open sleigh !

14 Použité zdroje  http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=19http://ob razky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=EfiprTJJwibvcQi0POnZ&orientation= &q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+prskavka&from=21 http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=19http://ob razky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=EfiprTJJwibvcQi0POnZ&orientation= &q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+prskavka&from=21  http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=19 http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=19  http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=79 http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=79  http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=1 http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=1  http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=127 http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=127  http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=207 http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=207  http://obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=EfiprTJJwCa4cQ7sWTm b&orientation=&q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+ozdoby http://obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=EfiprTJJwCa4cQ7sWTm b&orientation=&q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+ozdoby  http://obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=EfiprTJJwibvcQi0POnZ& orientation=&q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+prskavka&from=21 http://obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=EfiprTJJwibvcQi0POnZ& orientation=&q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+prskavka&from=21  http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=127 http://obrazky.cz/?q=V%C3%A1no%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+stromek&from=127  http://obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=EfiprTJJCAGtcQNtt4C O&orientation=&q=jmel%C3%AD&from=19 http://obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=EfiprTJJCAGtcQNtt4C O&orientation=&q=jmel%C3%AD&from=19

15 Použité zdroje  http://obrazky.cz/?q=osv%C4%9Btlen%C3%BD+d%C5%AFm- +v%C3%A1noce&from=141 http://obrazky.cz/?q=osv%C4%9Btlen%C3%BD+d%C5%AFm- +v%C3%A1noce&from=141  http://obrazky.cz/? q=cesm%C3%ADna http://obrazky.cz/? q=cesm%C3%ADna  http://obrazky.cz/?q=osv%C4%9Btlen%C3%BD+d%C5%AFm- +v%C3%A1noce&from=141 http://obrazky.cz/?q=osv%C4%9Btlen%C3%BD+d%C5%AFm- +v%C3%A1noce&from=141  http://www.bbc.co.uk/cornwall/uncovered/images/illuminatedhouses.jpg http://www.bbc.co.uk/cornwall/uncovered/images/illuminatedhouses.jpg  http://www.obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=YLi8A_anwZ0_7tNfAlpk &orientation=&q=vano%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+pun%C4%8Dochy&from=121 http://www.obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=YLi8A_anwZ0_7tNfAlpk &orientation=&q=vano%C4%8Dn%C3%AD+pun%C4%8Dochy&from=121

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