ZŠ Týnec nad Labem AUTOR: Lenka Hrnčířová VY_32_INOVACE_16_Anglický jazyk 6. ročník_Quiz Téma: Quiz CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1921.

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Prezentace na téma: "ZŠ Týnec nad Labem AUTOR: Lenka Hrnčířová VY_32_INOVACE_16_Anglický jazyk 6. ročník_Quiz Téma: Quiz CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1921."— Transkript prezentace:

1 ZŠ Týnec nad Labem AUTOR: Lenka Hrnčířová VY_32_INOVACE_16_Anglický jazyk 6. ročník_Quiz Téma: Quiz CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1921

2 Anotace Anglický jazyk, 6. ročník, Quiz Použití 3. stupně přídavných jmen ve větách 1)Zeměpisný test 2)Výsledky 3)Kvíz z přírodopisu 4)Výsledky

3 Quiz Do you know any quiz programme on Czech Tv? A-Z quiz Do you like it? Try your memory!

4 The quiz 1 - geography 1)What continent is the largest of all? 2) What is the largest desert in the world? Asia Sahara

5 3) Where is the coldest place in the world? 4) What is the largest country in the world? in Antarctica Russia

6 5) What mountain is the highest in the world? 6) What is the smallest continent in the world? Mount Everst Australia

7 7) What is the largest ocean in the world? 8) Where is the largest coral reef in the world? the Pacific near Australia

8 9) What is the second largest coutry in the world? Canada 10) Where is the deepest place in the world? in the Pacific Ocean

9 Results: 1)Asia 2)Sahara 3)Antarctica 4)Russia 5)Mount Everest 6)Australia 7)the Pacific Ocean 8)near Australia 9)Canada 10) in the Pacific Ocean

10 The quiz 2 – science 1)What is the largest animal in the world? 2)What is the tallest animal in the world? 3)What animal lives for the shortest time? 4)What is the fastest animal in the world?

11 3) mayfly blue whale 2) giraffe 4) cheetah

12 Write 4 questions in another quiz

13 Použité zdroje http://microsoft.com

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