NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_11_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Free time – sports and.

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Prezentace na téma: "NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_11_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Free time – sports and."— Transkript prezentace:

1 NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_11_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Free time – sports and games ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.09/21.0816 Free time – my hobbies

2 Datum vytvoření projektu duben 2012 Ročník5. Popis prezentace Zopakování a procvičení slovní zásoby tématu – Free time – sports and games - spojení obrázků se slovy, tvoření krátkých vět, využití v reálné situaci, otázka- Do you play/do……?, He/she plays/does, What does he/she play/do ……?

3 Free time What do you do in your free time ? I collect things:  I collect things: cars comics posters badges books posterssoft toys stamps trains coins stickers mugs

4 What do you do in your free time ?  I do some sports: I ski I skate I play footballI ride a horse I run I play ice-hockey I play tennis I play basketball I play volleyball I swim I dive

5 What do you do in your free time ?  I do different activities I fish I play table games I work in the garden I work on a computer I like water games I ride a bike I sing carols I dance I listen to music I play table tennis I play chess

6 What do you do in your free time ?  I play a musical instrument a piano a key board drums a violin a guitar a trumpet a flute an accordion

7 Guess. What hobby is this ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Riding a bike Listening to music Playing the violin Collecting coins Playing chess Swimming Skating Playing tennis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

8 Instrument maze  George plays the ………..  Sarah  Michael  Peggy  Harry  Jude Picture maze What instruments do the children play ?

9 He plays the ……… She plays the …...  George plays the drums.  Michael plays the accordion.  Harry plays the trumpet. Sarah plays the violin. Peggy plays the piano. Jude plays the flute. What instruments do they play ? Now complete the sentences

10 Read the text Complete the missing words I collect stamps. I have got a big collection. I have got about one hundred stamps. They are from the USA, Great Britain,the Czech Republic. These are my favourite stamps. I like my stamp collection. I collect …………………….. I have a………………..collection. I have about …………………………… They are from…………………………. These are my favourite ………………. I like my ……………………………… My favourite things – My collection

11 Does Michael play the drums ? Does Michael play the accordion ?  Michael plays the accordion. Is it true or false ?  Michael plays the drums.

12 Do you like this poster ? Yes, I do. /Yes, I like this poster. Do you like the stamps ? Do you like this badge ? Do you like this game ? Do you like these coins ? Yes, I do. Yes, I like this badge Yes, I like this game. Yes, I do. Answer these questions

13 Do you like this comic ? No, don´t (like this comic). Do you like this trumpet ? Do you ……..these stickers ? Do ……………..….the guitar ? Do ………………these books ? No,I don´t like the trumpet. No, I don´t like these stickers. No, I don´t like the guitar. No, I don´t like these books. Answer these questions

14 Fill in the missing letters Check your words P – S T - R S B – D G – S S T – C K – R S C – M – C S S T – M – S S – F - T – Y S C – I - S P O S T E R S B A D G E S S T I C K E R S C O M I C S S T A M P S S O F T T O Y S C O I N S What are these words ?

15 Answer these questions Do you collect things ? What do you collect ? Have you got a big collection ? How many coins have you got ? Do you like your posters ? Do you do sports ? What sports do you do ? Do you like playing basketball ? Do you like swimming ? What musical instrument do you play ? Do you play the piano ? Do you like playing the guitar ? Yes, I do. No I don´t. I collect coins and posters. Yes, I have got a big collection. I have got fifty coins. Yes, I like my posters. I do many sports. I play basketball and I swim. Yes, I like playing baketball. I like swimming, too. I play the flute and the guitar. No, I don´t play the piano. Yes, I like playing the guitar.

16 Try again. What do these people do ? Remember. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

17 Try again. What do these people do ? Check. 2.Playing volleyball Playing football Playing ice hockey Skating Diving 5. Playing the guitar Playing the piano 7. Playing the trumpet 9. Playing table games 10.Diving 8.Diving Skating Riding a bike Playing with a doll 3. Working on the computer 4. Playing table tennis 6.Running Skating 1. Dancing

18 Použité zdroje NVrcSMTTS&orientation=&q=hudebn%C3%AD+n%C3%A1stroje http://obrazky.cz/?q=Hobby&fro m=85 http://obrazky.cz/?q=Hobby&from=103 http://obrazky.cz/?q=Hobby&from=121 http://obrazky.cz/?q=Hobby&from=193 http://obrazky.cz/?q=vodn%C3%AD%20sporty&sId=RugvxlRDw8cAZ QWSiky4&filter=1&hint&from=55 http://obrazky.cz/?q=vodn%C3%AD%20sporty&sId=RugvxlRDw8cAZQ WSiky4&filter=1&hint&from=91 http://obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=RugvxlRDwoI6Z 15weJt0&orientation=&q=fotbal http://obrazky.cz/?q=zn%C3%A1mky http://www.cestovatel.cz/foto- soubory /mince.jphttp://www.cestovatel.cz/foto-soubory/mince.jpg http://www.deporte.org.mx/eventos/on2005/fotos_deportes/tenis.jpg

19 Použité zdroje http://obrazky.cz/?step=20&filter=1&s=&size=any&sId=UrULzwlsO1a NVrcSMTTS&orientation=&q=hudebn%C3%AD+n%C3%A1stroje cVyhjAN5GndDRN8VbqxXlZGQ9MN1mHJ1dydF-Xd


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