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ZveřejnilHana Matoušková
NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_11_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Free time – sports and games ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.09/21.0816 Free time – my hobbies
Datum vytvoření projektu duben 2012 Ročník5. Popis prezentace Zopakování a procvičení slovní zásoby tématu – Free time – sports and games - spojení obrázků se slovy, tvoření krátkých vět, využití v reálné situaci, otázka- Do you play/do……?, He/she plays/does, What does he/she play/do ……?
Free time What do you do in your free time ? I collect things: I collect things: cars comics posters badges books posterssoft toys stamps trains coins stickers mugs
What do you do in your free time ? I do some sports: I ski I skate I play footballI ride a horse I run I play ice-hockey I play tennis I play basketball I play volleyball I swim I dive
What do you do in your free time ? I do different activities I fish I play table games I work in the garden I work on a computer I like water games I ride a bike I sing carols I dance I listen to music I play table tennis I play chess
What do you do in your free time ? I play a musical instrument a piano a key board drums a violin a guitar a trumpet a flute an accordion
Guess. What hobby is this ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Riding a bike Listening to music Playing the violin Collecting coins Playing chess Swimming Skating Playing tennis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Instrument maze George plays the ……….. Sarah Michael Peggy Harry Jude Picture maze What instruments do the children play ?
He plays the ……… She plays the …... George plays the drums. Michael plays the accordion. Harry plays the trumpet. Sarah plays the violin. Peggy plays the piano. Jude plays the flute. What instruments do they play ? Now complete the sentences
Read the text Complete the missing words I collect stamps. I have got a big collection. I have got about one hundred stamps. They are from the USA, Great Britain,the Czech Republic. These are my favourite stamps. I like my stamp collection. I collect …………………….. I have a………………..collection. I have about …………………………… They are from…………………………. These are my favourite ………………. I like my ……………………………… My favourite things – My collection
Does Michael play the drums ? Does Michael play the accordion ? Michael plays the accordion. Is it true or false ? Michael plays the drums.
Do you like this poster ? Yes, I do. /Yes, I like this poster. Do you like the stamps ? Do you like this badge ? Do you like this game ? Do you like these coins ? Yes, I do. Yes, I like this badge Yes, I like this game. Yes, I do. Answer these questions
Do you like this comic ? No, don´t (like this comic). Do you like this trumpet ? Do you ……..these stickers ? Do ……………..….the guitar ? Do ………………these books ? No,I don´t like the trumpet. No, I don´t like these stickers. No, I don´t like the guitar. No, I don´t like these books. Answer these questions
Fill in the missing letters Check your words P – S T - R S B – D G – S S T – C K – R S C – M – C S S T – M – S S – F - T – Y S C – I - S P O S T E R S B A D G E S S T I C K E R S C O M I C S S T A M P S S O F T T O Y S C O I N S What are these words ?
Answer these questions Do you collect things ? What do you collect ? Have you got a big collection ? How many coins have you got ? Do you like your posters ? Do you do sports ? What sports do you do ? Do you like playing basketball ? Do you like swimming ? What musical instrument do you play ? Do you play the piano ? Do you like playing the guitar ? Yes, I do. No I don´t. I collect coins and posters. Yes, I have got a big collection. I have got fifty coins. Yes, I like my posters. I do many sports. I play basketball and I swim. Yes, I like playing baketball. I like swimming, too. I play the flute and the guitar. No, I don´t play the piano. Yes, I like playing the guitar.
Try again. What do these people do ? Remember. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Try again. What do these people do ? Check. 2.Playing volleyball Playing football Playing ice hockey Skating Diving 5. Playing the guitar Playing the piano 7. Playing the trumpet 9. Playing table games 10.Diving 8.Diving Skating Riding a bike Playing with a doll 3. Working on the computer 4. Playing table tennis 6.Running Skating 1. Dancing
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