Název SŠ: SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): Metallic Materials Název sady: Technical English for students.

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Prezentace na téma: "Název SŠ: SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): Metallic Materials Název sady: Technical English for students."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Název SŠ: SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): Metallic Materials Název sady: Technical English for students of study branch Technician Gunsmith 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th class Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.0727 Datum vzniku: 17.1.2013 Uvedení autoři, není-li uvedeno jinak, jsou autory tohoto výukového materiálu a všech jeho částí. Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a státním rozpočtem ČR. 1

2 Záměrem této sady výukových materiálů s názvem Technical English je ukázat žákům, kteří se v této oblasti vzdělávají, jaký byl vývoj zbraní. Jednotlivé DUMy (prezentace) v této sadě popíší postupně tematické oblasti, které jsou probírány v předmětu Anglický jazyk na naší SŠ. Konkrétně tato prezentace je zaměřena na kovové materiály. 2

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4  Do you know a geometrical characteristic of powder?  Could you tell me the basic parts of the ball bullets?  What is explosive?  Which materials are used for production of explosives?  What materials are not used for productin of explosives? 4

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6  Highlights from the most widely are technical alloys in which iron predominates.  It is an alloy of iron with carbon and other elements.  Divided into two groups :  a wrought iron-iron with a carbon content of 2,14%  a malleable iron-steel with a carbon content up to 2,14% 6

7  Steels are divided into nine classes.  Basic numeric steel grade is a five-digit number.  Additional digits are separated from the basic numeric signs dot. 7

8  Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with max. 2.14% C and flanking elements like Mn, Si, P, S, Cu.  Steels also contain alloying elements -Cr, W, Mo, V, Ni, etc.  We classified steels according to:  design and tooling,  a chemical composition. 8

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11 11

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13 13

14 14

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16  Cast irons are alloys of iron and carbon, silicon, manganese and other elements.  The amount of carbon in the alloy is greater than 2.14%.  Cast iron also contains alloying elements.  Grey cast iron is divided into alloyed and unalloyed.  The numbers in the gray cast iron is composed of a six-digit number.  The first two digits are 42, the second two digits is 24. 16

17  A ductile iron is an important construction material.  It is produced by adding magnesium.  After casting graphite is eliminated in the form of pellets.  The first two digits are 42, the second two digits is 23, third two digits indicates the value of the ultimate material.  The ductile cast iron is used for casting the wall thickness from 5 to 100 mm. 17

18  Malleable cast iron is tough and easily workable material.  Malleable cast iron forms a transition between steel and gray cast iron.  Malleable cast iron is produced by heat treatment of white cast iron.  The first two digits are 42, the second two digits is 25, third two digits indicates the value of the ultimate material.  Malleable cast iron is used for castings with wall thickness from 3 to 30 mm.  18

19  Furthermore use the production:  non-ferrous metals and their alloys,  heavy non-ferrous metals and their alloys,  light non-ferrous metals and their alloys,  special alloys of non-ferrous metals,  metal powders.  19

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21  What is steel?  Do you know the classification of steel?  What do you know about steel grade 10?  What do you know about steel grade 11?  What do you know about steel grade 12?  What do you know about steel grade 13?  Do you know the difference between steel grade 14 and steel grade 15? 21

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23  Steel is classified according to design and tooling, a chemical composition.  Basic numeric steel grade is five-digit number.  Additional digits are separated from the basic numeric signs dot.  The highest quality of steel grades are 17,18,19. 23

24  Class 10 has got the lowest quality.  The production also use iron alloys and cast iron.  We cast gray, ductile and malleable.  The first two digits of the cast iron is 42. 24

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26  KŘÍBEK, J. Střelné zbraně I. část, 2. vyd. Brno: PC- DIR spol. s.r.o., 1995. 26

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