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ZveřejnilMartina Němcová
SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 Business Trip: At the Airport Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Suková EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154
SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 2 Tematický okruhObchodní angličtina – Služební cesta: Na letišti AnotaceDUM je určen studentům 1. ročníku OA a EL. Studenti jsou v něm seznámeni se základní slovní zásobou a frazeologií vztahující se k cestování letadlem a konverzací na letišti. Metodický pokynDUM obsahuje části výkladové, po kterých následuje procvičování. Studenti tak mají možnost aktivně se zapojit do procvičování slovní zásoby a vyzkoušet si rozhovor v praxi. Druh materiáluprezentace, procvičení Datum tvorby17. 11. 2012 Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_Su2_6
SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 At the Airport – basic vocabulary Match words to correct phrases: a. arrive at a place, on the plane b. a part of an airport where travellers are allowed to get on a particular plane c. a building used by passengers leaving by a plane d. examination of a part of your body or luggage e. all bags and suitcases you carry when travelling f. a card you must have to enter a plane g. when a plane leaves/begins to fly h. the place at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting i. a vehicle which travels (takes people and their baggage) from one place to another EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 3 take off check-in-desk gate shuttle landterminal the X-ray machine boarding pass baggage
SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 Complete the sentences. Use words from the previous exercise Complete the sentences. Use words from the previous exercise Anna and Chris went to L.A. Because their taxi had arrived late, they were a little bit worried. When they arrived at ________________ Anna ran quickly to _________________ to check if their plane was going to _________________ on time. After that they went to ______________ where the lady told them where they were going to sit on the plane. They had their baggage checked by ______________ machine and went slowly to ______________ 33, which was intended for passenger to L. A. The air-hostess checked their ______________ and let them go to the airplane. Their plane _______________ at 5:45 p.m., perfectly on time. After they arrived at L. A. they got off the plane and used the airport _______________ to get to the entrance because their luggage was too heavy. EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 4
SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 Read the following dialogues. Do you understand? Who asks and who answers the questions? A: Good morning, PanAm Airways. How can I help you? B: Good morning. I would like to ask if you have any flights to Cairo next week. A: Wait a moment, please… There is one flight – next Thursday at 7:30 a.m. B: That would be great. Could you tell me how much a return ticket costs? A: Economy or business class? B: Economy, please. A: That would be $462. B: OK, could I make a reservation? A: Certainly, your ticket have been booked. You´ll have to confirm your reservation at least 2 hours before your flight. B: Thank you very much. Good bye. A: Have a nice day, bye. EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 5
SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 A: Good morning. Where have you come from? B: From the Czech Republic. A: May I have your passport, please? B: Of course. Here you are. A:What is the nature of your visit? Business or pleasure? B: Pleasure, I´m going to visit my family. A: OK, welcome to the United States. A: Good morning. Could I see your boarding card, please? B: Here you are. A: Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking? B: Non-smoking, please. A: And would you like a window or an aisle seat? B: A window, please. EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 6
SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 Practice saying these dialogues: Work in pairs: one of you is a check-in control/airline receptionist/air-hostess and the second is a traveller/ customer Who asks the following questions? Who asks the following questions? Do you have any carry-on baggage? Do you have an e-ticket? Where is the boarding gate, please? Do you have any change in your pockets? How many bags are you checking? Would you like a window or an aisle seat? Is there any flight to New York next Saturday? Do you have any medicine or liquid? EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 7
SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 8 Použité zdroje: Obrázky z galerie Microsoft Office. Archiv autorky.
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