IBM Cognos Mobile Version 10.1. Hlavní trendy Rychle – Kdy budou výsledky? Kdy budu mít výsledky k dispozici? Kdy budou vidět změny? Více – Je k dispozici.

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1 IBM Cognos Mobile Version 10.1

2 Hlavní trendy Rychle – Kdy budou výsledky? Kdy budu mít výsledky k dispozici? Kdy budou vidět změny? Více – Je k dispozici porovnání s minulým/předminulým rokem? – Jsou k dispozici data z plánu? – Jsou dispozici statistické predikce? – Je k dispozic plný detail? – Mohu se podívat, jak se daný ukazatel momentálně vyvíjí? Kvalitněji – Chci informace, kterým rozumím. – Chci informace, kterým všichni rozumí stejně – Chci informace v pro mě snadno pochopitelné formě. Flexibilně – Rychlé změny reportů, plánovacích řešení, výpočtů – Vlastnictví řešení Širší použití – Real time monitoring, Analytické aplikace, Collaboration výroční zprávy + INTEGRACE Pro všechny

3 Collaboration – Vidím problém

4 Collaboration – Založení aktivity

5 Collaboration – Sdílení aktivity

6 Collaboration – Seznam aktivit

7 Overview With its rich client, Cognos Mobile lets users view and fully interact with Cognos Business Intelligence reports, dashboards, metrics, analysis and other information, all in a secure environment. Cognos Mobile does away with the traditional limitations of distributing BI on handheld devices, such as static PDF reports, awkward spreadsheet applications or limited user experiences. It also eliminates the high expense of customizing applications for mobile technology.

8 Overview IBM Cognos Mobile processes each IBM Cognos BI report that it receives and renders it in a mobile-friendly version. IBM Cognos Mobile uses the IBM Cognos BI prompts functionality and scheduling mechanisms to deliver customized reports in a timely fashion IBM Cognos Mobile uses IBM Cognos BI security, implements additional security measures specific to a mobile application, leverages various vendor-specific security architectures, and takes advantage of device-based and server-based security measures

9 Platform Support Cognos Mobile supports the following mobile technologies: – BlackBerry enabled device products – iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch mobile digital devices – Nokia devices using the Symbian operating system – Windows ® Mobile operating system – Android

10 Components IBM Cognos Mobile includes the following components: – IBM Cognos Mobile service – IBM Cognos Mobile rich client On Research in Motion BlackBerry devices, IBM Cognos Mobile also interacts with BlackBerry Enterprise Server and the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service component

11 Architecture

12 IBM Cognos Mobile Service The IBM Cognos Mobile service manages the activities related to the IBM Cognos Mobile client. The service handles the following operations: – transforms IBM Cognos Business Intelligence reports and analyses for mobile consumption – compresses IBM Cognos BI report and analysis content for fast distribution over-the-air to the mobile devices and access from those devices – pushes report and analysis content to the mobile devices – facilitates incoming and outgoing report-related and analysis-related requests between the mobile device and the environment to search, browse, or run reports – synchronizes the mobile content store on the server with the mobile database on the mobile device – translates IBM Cognos BI Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messages into wireless-friendly messages

13 End-User Features Interactive user interface – Cognos Mobile provides a rich, interactive BI experience for users. Users can make the most of the features on their handheld devices, such as the popular touch screens. Real-time information monitoring – Users get a real-time view of Cognos Business Intelligence data, to ensure they have relevant information at any time. – Users can also get real-time alerts and perform analysis on the spot with drill-down and filter capabilities. Location aware – Mobile workers on GPS-enabled BlackBerry who need information based on their physical location at a given moment can have prompt values pre-filled based on GPS coordinates. Offline data exploration – Offline users can continue to work with reports on their handheld devices with downloadable reports.

14 Back Office Features Performance and maintenance – IT maintains centralized administration of Cognos Mobile, and can install Cognos Mobile remotely on a device. – Data is compressed before transmission and again after the report is saved to optimize performance. Security – Standard Cognos data encryption – Standard Cognos authentication, including support for custom Cognos authentication providers – Lease key technology – Device user authentication policies – Device-based mobile encrypted database – Standard device-specific secure data transmission and encryption – Device-based password protection – Remote locking function for the device database – Remote device wiping


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