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ZveřejnilMarkéta Havlová
NÁZEV ŠKOLY : Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU : VY_32_INOVACE_3B_19_Leisure time TÉMA SADY : Anglický jazyk ROČNÍK : 3., 4. ročník/septima, oktáva DATUM VZNIKU : listopad 2013 AUTOR : Ing. Naděžda Schánová
ANOTACE Prezentace „Leisure time“ je určena k opakování a přípravě k maturitě z anglického jazyka pro žáky septimy, oktávy, třetích a čtvrtých ročníků gymnázia. Materiál je vhodný i pro mladší žáky. Tato prezentace se může zpracovat v jedné hodině výuky. „Volný čas“ - toto široké téma je zpracováno tak, aby vybízelo žáky k zamyšlení nad nastolenými otázkami a vyústilo v diskusi. Žáci revidují svou znalost slovní zásoby a gramatiky spojenou s tímto tématem.
Leisure time Free time and entertainment
Let´s have a look at one of several definitions of leisure /free time: Leisure, or free time, is time spent away from business work domestic chores.
The way we spend our free time depends on many factors such as:……………..
such as ………
..such as
The question is whether any sorting makes sense
Undoubtedly, there are some limits of our capability to do some activities e.g. the old lady in the picture you have just seen CANNOT: run long distances, do gymnastics, run hurdles……… but she CAN:………………….... ……………….. …………………….. ……………….. ……………………………………….. (your ideas) order a meal, consult her practitioner, read online newspapers; read and write opinions on social media websites (Facebook, Twitter), share personal information ; get up-to-date information, do internet shopping; write e-mails to her relatives/friends, watch films………..on the Internet
What about these girls? What do they like doing in their free time? …………. (your ideas) going to the cinema? shopping? going to a disco/ a club? dancing? chatting painting? listening to music? singing? socialising and… ….. going out with friends? reading fashion magazines
playing(the)guitar archery programming Playing table tennis John George Tom Martin
Do you have enough free time to do your hobbies? No? Why? …commuting …………………. I guess your parents/teachers /future careers want you to study more, do loads of homework, housework, do the shopping etc.
Guinea pig horse riding dog training (cynology) I feed it, walk it, train it/him/her x-times (once, twice, three times)a day.
YES / NO COMMENT...Go! I think… I don´t think……
Playing: volleyball, football, basketball… Doing: karate, gymnastics, judo… Going: skiing, cycling, swimming, bowling, skateboarding
knitting, gardening, photography, darts, puzzle, board games (chess), card game, dominoes, pottery - to model…(a vase) out of clay, electronic game, collecting stamps, computer games, baking, cooking, painting, listening to CDs, pool/billiards, reading…….
others ……….
Ballet Comedy Tragedy Historical play Musical/opera comedy, historical film,horror f., action f.,adventure f. sci-fi,war f. Classical / serious music pop jazz, rock,…..
Not very often/only when going on holiday in the summer; /at/on weekends; once a month;…………. We do sport /visit museums/go abroad/go sightseeing/go fishing……..
There are many reasons we cannot do things we would like to. So we dream and have wishes. Translate: Kéž bych uměl/a hrát na kytaru. Přál/a bych si, aby s námi táta mohl trávit více času. Kdybych tak vyhrál/a světový šampionát! ……..make your own sentences Do you admire/hate any celebrity, scientist, politician…..tell us about it I adore/ I can´t stand/I love/ I really/quite like ……… I wish I could play the guitar I wish my father could spend more time with us. I wish I won the World Championship The END
Zdroje Obrázky: MS Office Zvuky: MS Office Publikace: CHUDÁ, Jana; CHUDÝ, Tomáš. Topics for English Conversation. Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 1995, ISBN 80-85768-97-6.
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