Dotkněte se inovací CZ.1.07/1.3.00/51.0024 National parks of the U.S.A.

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Prezentace na téma: "Dotkněte se inovací CZ.1.07/1.3.00/51.0024 National parks of the U.S.A."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Dotkněte se inovací CZ.1.07/1.3.00/51.0024 National parks of the U.S.A.

2 Škola: Gymnázium Dr. Emila Holuba, Holice Autor: PhDr. Miroslava Vrbická Předmět: Anglický jazyk Anotace: Prezentace slouží jako materiál k hodině anglického jazyka, která podává výklad k tematickému okruhu - The U.S.A. - geographical facts, který je zařazen do 3. ročníku gymnázia. Je využitelná i pro závěrečné opakování v jiných ročnících či pro zpestření výuky na nižším stupni gymnázia. Materiál je zpracován v rámci projektu Dotkněte se inovací CZ.1.07/1.3.00/51.0024 Základní informace

3 Metodický pokyn Popis práce s materiálem Materiál je určen pro práci s interaktivní tabulí nebo dataprojektorem a tablety. Tablety žáci využijí zejména při závěrečném vědomostním testu. Didaktická příprava Učitel zadá žákům, aby si předem nastudovali základní zeměpisná fakta o USA a zopakovali si odpovídající anglickou slovní zásobu. Očekávání a cíle Cílem prezentace je seznámit žáky s krásami národních parků USA, rozšířit jejich slovní zásobu a aplikovat vědomosti získané v hodinách zeměpisu při výuce anglického jazyka.

4 In the U.S.A. - 59 protected areas known as national parks Are operated by the National Park Service Criteria for the selection of NP: - natural beauty - unique geological features - unusual ecosystems - recreational opportunities The first NP – Yellowstone – 1872 The newest – Pinnacles National Park - 2013 General facts:

5 Yellowstone NP Location: Wyoming, Montana, Idaho Established: 1872 Area: 9000 km2 – g reat network of geothermal areas - vividly colored hot springs - boiling mud pots - 10 000 geysers The best known geyser: Old Faithful (erupts about every 75 minutes) The yellow – hued canyon of the Yellowstone River with scenic waterfalls The great number of mammal species – gray wolf, elk, bison, grizzly bear


7 Sequoia NP Location: California Established: 1890 Area: 1600 km2 The park protects the Giant Forest with the largest trees in the world. The largest tree in the world General Sherman – 84 metres tall, 3000 years old 240 caves Scenic segment of the Sierra Nevada


9 Grand Canyon NP Location: Arizona Established: 1919 Area: 4900 km2 Made by erosion of the Colorado River 400 km long, 30 km wide, 1,6 km deep One of the most important geological sites in the world (some rocks 1800 mil. years old)


11 Death Valley NP Location: California, Nevada Established: 1919 Area: 13 600 km2 250 km valley between two Californian mountain ranges The hottest, lowest, driest place in the U.S.A. (day time temperatures topped 130°F (54°C) shifting sand dunes desolate badlands salt flats


13 Arches NP Location: Utah Established: 1929 Area: 309 km2 More than 2000 natural sandstone arches – the most famous – Delicate Arch Other geological formations – stone columns, spires, towers


15 Everglades NP Location: Florida Established: 1934 Area: 6100 km2 The largest subtropical wilderness area in the U.S.A. The mangrove ecosystem Home to 36 protected species – e.g. Florida panther, American crocodile,…


17 Denali NP Location: Alaska Established: 1917 Area: 1900 km2 Centred around Mount McKinley in the Alaska Range (the highest mountain in North America) Covered with long glaciers Wildlife: grizzly bear, gray wolf, caribou,…


19 Quiz about American NPs I. In which American federal state are the most of national parks situated? 1. Arizona 2. California 3. Utah II. Which of natural wonders in the U.S.A. is called Old Faithful? 1. A famous route in Grand Canyon 2. A cave in the Death Valley 3. A waterfall in Yellowstone III. What is the height of General Sherman- the tallest tree in Sequioa NP? 1. 60 metres 2. 8O metres 3. 100 metres

20 IV. In which of these NPs can you see American crocodiles? 1. Arches NP 2. Denali NP 3. Everglades NP V. Which American mountain can you see in Denali NP? 1. Mount Mckinley 2. Mount Logan 3. Mount Whitney

21 I. In which American federal state are the most of national parks situated? 1. Arizona 2. California 3. Utah II. Which of natural wonders in the U.S.A. is called Old Faithful? 1. A famous route in Grand Canyon 2. A cave in the Death Valley 3. A waterfall in Yellowstone III. What is the height of General Sherman- the tallest tree in Sequioa NP? 1. 60 metres 2. 8O metres 3. 100 metres IV. In which of these NPs can you see American crocodiles? 1. Arches NP 2. Denali NP 3. Everglades NP V. Which American mountain can you see in Denali NP? 1. Mount Mckinley 2. Mount Logan 3. Mount Whitney

22 Zdroje Informace: SHARMAN, Elizabeth. Across cultures: culture, literature, music, language. Harlow: Longman, c2004, 159 s. ISBN 0582817978. "The National Park Service Organic Act". National Park Service. 26 February 2008. Retrieved 25 January 2010. "The National Park Service Organic Act" "Yellowstone National Park". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved 2012-03-24."Yellowstone National Park" Bolsinger, CL; Waddell, KL (1993). "Area of old-growth forests in California, Oregon, and Washington" (PDF). United States Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Resource Bulletin PNW-RB-197. Retrieved 2012-03-07."Area of old-growth forests in California, Oregon, and Washington"United States Forest Service "Grand Canyon National Park Visitor Center". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey. Retrieved 2011-08-14."Grand Canyon National Park Visitor Center"Geographic Names Information SystemUnited States Geological Survey "Arches National Park". The National Parks: Index 2009–2011. National Park Service. Archived from the original on 29 June 2011. Retrieved 2011- 06-08. "Arches National Park"Archived "Everglades National Park". National Park Service. Retrieved 2007-12-05."Everglades National Park" "S.157 - Denali National Park Improvement Act". 113th Congress. Retrieved 9 April 2014."S.157 - Denali National Park Improvement Act" Obrázky:

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