EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: Native Americans in North America I Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: AJ2-1 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a.

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Prezentace na téma: "EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: Native Americans in North America I Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: AJ2-1 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a."— Transkript prezentace:

1 EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: Native Americans in North America I Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: AJ2-1 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních školách Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů:AJ2 Slovní zásoba v tématech pro úroveň A2 – B1 Autor: Mgr. Marie Zajíčková Datum vytvoření: 19. 11. 2013 Garant (kontrola):Mgr. Jaroslava Tůmová Ročník: Nižší gymnázium (kvarta), vyšší gymnázium (2. ročník) Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Slovní zásoba, reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Metodika/anotace:Pracovní list v Powerpointu. Slovní zásoba a reálie na téma „Severoameričtí Indiáni“, doplněné konverzačními aktivitami a úkoly (viz metodika „lesson plan“). Časový rozvrh:45 minut Zdroje:viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.

2 Native Americans in North America

3 Native Americans‘ Symbols

4 Lead-in questions Ask the students: What do you know about Native Americans? Do you know anything about the tribes? Have you ever read a book or seen a film about them? How did they live and what did they eat? Where do they live now?

5 Key vocabulary bow, arrow, feather headdress, tribe, religion, belief, disease, peace pipe, decision, enemy, brave, hunt, seal, sleigh, local, worship, grow, god, shaman, die out, lands, reservation, alive, tracker, footprint, doll, shoulder bag, shell, necklace, totem pole, kayak, tepee, buffalo, feather, plains, jewellery, nomadic, skin, smoke and drum signals

6 Cowboys and Indians Some of us grew up reading the stories of _______ and others enjoyed playing ______ and _______. But if the cowboys were the ______ people, who were the Indians with their ______ and ______ and feather __________? Nowadays if you say the word „Indian“ you mean the people who live in India. We use the term „_____________“ to describe the original people who lived in ________ America.

7 Cowboys and Indians Some of us grew up reading the stories of Karl May and others enjoyed playing cowboys and Indians. But if the cowboys were the white people, who were the Indians with their bows and arrows and feather headdresses? Nowadays if you say the word „Indian“ you mean the people who live in India. We use the term „Native Americans“ to describe the original people who lived in North America.

8 The First Tribes There were thousands of ________ Native American tribes when _________________arrived in America in ____. Each tribe had its own language, _______ and beliefs. For example, they worshipped powers of _______ because they needed them to grow their food. _______ were also very important, and many believed that dreams were messages from the _____. The religious leaders of the tribes were called ________, or medicine men; they helped ill people.

9 The First Tribes There were thousands of different Native American tribes when Christopher Columbus arrived in America in 1492. Each tribe had its own language, religion and beliefs. For example, they worshipped powers of nature because they needed them to grow their food. Dreams were also very important, and many believed that dreams were messages from the gods. The religious leaders of the tribes were called shamans, or medicine men; they helped ill people.

10 North American Indians today The Indian tribes began to ________when the _________ moved onto their lands. They were either ________ or died of diseases. The rest had to live on special __________. Only the Inuits from _________ were lucky to get their land back. Nowadays a lot of Native Americans are _____, and have no job. But they try to keep their old _________ alive like their rituals, art and their language.

11 North American Indians today The Indian tribes began to die out when the Europeans moved onto their lands. They were either killed or died of diseases. The rest had to live on special reservations. Only the Inuits from Canada were lucky to get their land back. Nowadays a lot of Native Americans are poor, and have no job. But they try to keep their old traditions alive like their rituals, art and their language.

12 After-reading questions (10 min) Who is an Indian? Who is a Native American? Where did the tribes live? How did they live? What do the native people do today?


14 Zdroje Slide 1: Slide 3: GATE (May-June 2013), p. 4 – 5 Slide 3: n&oq=indi%C3%A1n&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1724.4371.0.4852. 35.uql2PYc7jzU#hl=cs&q=peace+pipe&tbm=isch&imgdii=_ Slide 3: n&oq=indi%C3%A1n&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1724.4371.0.4852. 35.uql2PYc7jzU#hl=cs&q=bows+and+arrows&tbm=isch&imgdii=_ Slide 12: Slide 13: GATE (May-June 2013), p. 4 – 5

15 Použité materiály: GATE (May-June 2013), p. 4 – 5

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