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Mgr. Lucia Púčková VY_32_Inovace_17 PL-3 ZŠ a MŠ Nedašov.

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Prezentace na téma: "Mgr. Lucia Púčková VY_32_Inovace_17 PL-3 ZŠ a MŠ Nedašov."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Mgr. Lucia Púčková VY_32_Inovace_17 PL-3 ZŠ a MŠ Nedašov

2 Anotace prezentace slouží jako prvotní seznámení se žáků s reáliemi Velké Británie, obsahuje základní informace nejen z geografického, ale i politického a kulturního hlediska AutorMgr. Lucia Púčková Jazykanglický Oček á vaný výstup Žák získá základní informace o Velké Británii, které jsou součástí reálií spojených s výukou anglického jazyka Speci á ln í vzděl á vac í potřeby ž á dn é Kl í čov á slova Great Britain, royal family, London Druh učebn í ho materi á lu prezentace Druh interaktivity kombinovan á, samostatný úkol C í lov á skupina žákžák Stupeň a typ vzděl á v á n í z á kladn í vzděl á v á n í – druhý stupeň Typick á věkov á skupina Žáci 7.ročníku Celkov á velikost 4,64 MB Datumbřezen 2012

3 Hi, this is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland There are four countries: England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

4 Basic information about the country: Area: 244 110 km² Population: 58 million State system: kingdom Official language: English Parliament: House of Commons and House of Lords Capital city: London Other big cities: Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester The highest mountain: Ben Nevis The Largest rivers: Thames, Severn

5 × Great Britain lies in the Europian Islands What should you know: × Great Britain is separated from continent by La Manche (English Channel) × Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North sea and the Irish sea


7 The head of the state is Queen Elizabeth, she has reigned since 1952 - she was crowned in June 1953 after the death of her father George VI. - her husband is prince Philip - Queen Elizabeth has got four children: Charles, Anna, Edward and Andrew

8 ×The oldest son of the Queen Elizabeth is prince Charles. He was married to Diana, Princess of Wales. Diana died in 1997 in Paris during the car accident. ×Prince Charles has got two sons: William and Harry.

9 Prince William married to Kate Middleton in April 2011 The famous wedding was attended by over 600 guests from all over the world

10 London the capital of Great Britain

11 LONDON × is the capital of Great Britain × London lies on both banks of the river Thames × London is the biggest british port, the centre of trade, industry and culture × London has approximately 7 million people × We can find there House of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge or National Gallery 'When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life' Dr. Samuel Johnson

12 London is amazing place with many different and exciting things Here are a few of them: Buckingham Palace × you can visit Buckingham Palace, the home of Queen Elizabeth and observe changing of the guard at 11 a.m. every day

13 Tower of London × this tower served as a prison and now there is a museum × the guard of this tower is called beefeaters

14 Westminster Abbey × This is one of the most important buildings in Great Britain × it is the crown temple of English kings × this place includes Hyde Park and beautiful Kensington gardens

15 Trafalgar Square × Trafalgar Square is famous square with six metre high statue of general Nelson × at this place we can also find the National Gallery that collects works of many famous painters

16 British Museum × British museum has got the largest collection of Egyptian and ancient Greek monuments

17 Shopping × London attracts people from all over the world × London is the city of latest fashion and shops × The most famous shopping area is in the West End, near Oxford Street. There are also popular shopping places like Portobello Road, Camden Lock or Petticoat Lane. You can buy there beautiful and expensive things.

18 Here are some attractions of the city × England is famous for its rainy weather × drivers drive their cars on the left side × very popular are so - called double-deckers and black cubs × guard at Buckingham palace is called Bobbies × people in Great Britain love whisky from Scotland Scotland

19 Small test for you: 1. What is the name of the British Queen? 2. How many children does the British Queen have? 3. How many countries are in the United Kingdom? 4. What is the capital of Great Britain? 5. What things can you find in British Museum? 6. What is the name of the seat of the British Queen? 7. How would you translate word double-decker? 8. Name the most popular shopping area in Great Britain: 9. What is the name of the guard at Tower of London? 10. What is the name of the oldest son of the British Queen?

20 Right answers: 1.Queen Elizabeth 2.4 children 3.4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland 4.London 5.collection of Egyptian, ancient Greek monuments 6.Buckingham Palace 7.dvouposchoďový autobus 8.West End 9.Beefeaters 10. Prince Charles

21 Metodický list Tato prezentace slouží k seznámení se se základními reáliemi o Velké Británii, obsahuje geografické, politické a kulturní informace, které jsou důležitou součástí při výuce anglického jazyka. Žáci mají možnost získat nejen důležité informace, ale dozvědět se rovněž nové a zajímavé poznatky o britské kultuře a životě v cizí zemi.

22 Zdroje: × Angličtina Czech-English Phrase Book & Dictionary. Olomouc: Infoa, 2000. 352 s. ISBN 80-7240-140-8 × Nástroje sady Microsoft Office x Lleyn cliff scenery at its best. In: Http:// [online]. 2006 [cit. 2013-09-18]. Dostupné z: x The royal family tree. In: Http:// [online]. 2013 [cit. 2013-09-18]. Dostupné z: x British queen praises Turkey's EU credentials. In: Http:// [online]. 2008 [cit. 2013- 09-18]. Dostupné z: 91624d0e24e64400f.png

23 x Princezna diana. In: Http:// [online]. 2011 [cit. 2013- 09-19]. Dostupné z: pg x Ako diana zomrela. In: Http:// [online]. 2010 [cit. 2013-09-19]. Dostupné z: diana-matka-tereza1_5.jpg x William and kate. In: Http:// [online]. 2011 [cit. 2013-09-19]. Dostupné z: x Tower bridge. In: Http:// [online]. 2013 [cit. 2013-09-19]. Dostupné z:

24 x Buckingham Palace, London. In: Http:// [online]. 2013 [cit. 2013-09-19]. Dostupné z: http://www.tourist-information- ge/buckinghampalace01.jpg x Tower of London. In: Http:// [online]. 2004 [cit. 2013- 09-19]. Dostupné z: x Westminster Abbey. In: Http:// [online]. 2008 [cit. 2013-09-19]. Dostupné z: abbey.jpg?w=225&h=300 x Trafalgar square. In: Http://resources.woodlands- [online]. 2013 [cit. 2013-09-19]. Dostupné z: http://resources.woodlands-

25 x The British museum. In: Http:// [online]. 2008 [cit. 2013-09-19]. Dostupné z: 28/files/18529-004-f6ffdc19.jpg x Skotsko. In: Http:// [online]. 2007 [cit. 2013-09-19]. Dostupné z: 20875/middle//skye2.jpg

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