Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Autor: Petra Skotnicová WORLD OF ENDANGERED ANIMALS POLAR BEAR (THE NORTH POLE) WHALES (OCEANS)

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2 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk POLAR BEAR The Polar Bear lives in the area around the North Pole. They are found in Greenland, Alaska, Norway, Northern Russia and Canada. Because the temperature on the planet Earth is going up (global warming), the sea ice is melting. Polar bears need the ice to hunt seals. The polar cap gets further from the land. For bears it is a very long distance to get back to land. Many bears die from starvation or by drowning.

3 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk THE WHITE RHINO Rhinos had a large population in Africa and Asia. But people have always hunted them for their horns, they are nearly extinct. They are only seven northern white rhinos on the planet! It is the second largest animal in the world. In 2009, four white rhinos were moved from Dvur Kralove to a national park in Kenya, Africa.

4 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk THE WHALES  Whales live in the ocean, they are mammals like us.  The North Atlantic Right Whales are highly endangered.  People hunted whales a lot for their fat and bones.  Since 1986 they have been protected, so you aren´t allowed to hunt them.  Many whales are also injured or die after accidents with ships or when they swim into fishing nets.  If the temperature of the sea water rises (climate changes), it may be more difficult to find krill. THE GREEN SEA TURTLE  The Green sea turtle can grow up to 1,3 m. and weighs around 150kg.  Its colour is brown or black, not green! It lives in waters around Florida.  The biggest threats come from humans. People kill them for their meat, shells or their eggs. Several beaches were destroyed or polluted.

5 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk THE ADDAX  Its home is the Sahara Desert in Africa.  It nearly doesn´t have to drink. It gets all of its water from its food, grass and bushes.  People hunt these animals for their meat and skin.  Today there are fewer than 500 addaxes left on our planet!  They live in the regions in the Southern Sahara.

6 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Did you know…? The most dangerous animals in the world BOX JELLYFISH – lives on the Australian coast around the Great Barrier Reef. It is known as the „Sea Wasp“. Its sting can kill a human. MOSQUITO – lives in swampy areas. It is the biggest killer in the whole world. It kills 2-3 million people a year! It carries diseases like yellow fever or malaria. SCORPION – lives in a desert, in Brazilian forests, British Columbia, North Carolina. It uses its poison to kill prey. It kills about 2000 people a year.

7 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Let´s practise…  What kinds of animals they are: They are hunted for their horns._______________ They are hunted for fat and bones.______________ Many of them got caught in plastic bags or fishing nets._________ Only 500 of these animals left live on our planet._____________ What animal is the most dangerous for people?______________

8 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Let´s test your knowledge…  Decide if the sentence is true (T) or false (F):  Polar bears hunt penguins.  Rhinos horns have got a magic power.  Whales are mammals like us.  Many turtles die because of ocean pollution.  Addax Antelopes live in savannas in Africa.  „Sea Wasp“ can kill a human.

9 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Resource page… http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/images TRDÁ, Lucie. Rhinos in Danger. R+R. 2013, č. 5, str. 11. TRDÁ, Lucie. Green Sea Turtle in Danger. R+R. 2012, č. 3, str. 11. TRDÁ, Lucie. Whales in Danger. R+R. 2012, č. 2, str. 11. TRDÁ, Lucie. Polar Bears in Danger. R+R. 2012, č. 1, str. 11. Dangerous Animals. Hello. 2011, č. 7, str. 13. ISSN 13352717. TRDÁ, Lucie. Addax Antelopes in Danger. R+R. 2013, č. 7, str. 11.

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