Střední škola a Vyšší odborná škola cestovního ruchu, Senovážné náměstí 12, České Budějovice 370 01 Č ÍSLO PROJEKTU CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0423 Č ÍSLO MATERIÁLU.

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Prezentace na téma: "Střední škola a Vyšší odborná škola cestovního ruchu, Senovážné náměstí 12, České Budějovice 370 01 Č ÍSLO PROJEKTU CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0423 Č ÍSLO MATERIÁLU."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Střední škola a Vyšší odborná škola cestovního ruchu, Senovážné náměstí 12, České Budějovice 370 01 Č ÍSLO PROJEKTU CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0423 Č ÍSLO MATERIÁLU 15. NÁZEV ŠKOLY Střední škola a Vyšší odborná škola cestovního ruchu, Senovážné náměstí 12, České Budějovice 370 01 A UTOR Mgr. Alena Zelenková T ÉMATICKÝ CELEK Food and drink - healthy and unhealthy food R OČNÍK 1.- 4. D ATUM TVORBY Srpen 2013

2 Anotace: Prezentaci je možné využít při výuce maturitních témat z anglického jazyka, konkrétně tématu Food and drink. Prezentace je zaměřena na healthy and unhealthy food. Slouží k procvičení a rozšíření slovní zásoby. Obsahuje test (doplňování vhodných slov. Žáci popisují obrázky. Možné spojit s DUMem č.16-Food and drink-cooking verbs and food adjectives. Lze využít pro studenty 1.- 4. ročníku. Metodické pokyny: Při prezentaci jednotlivých snímků se studenti seznamují či procvičují slovní zásobu tohoto tématu. Prezentaci je možné využít při výkladu i při opakování tématu. Můžeme využít jen některé části (např. test)

3 What to do to be healthy? We should:  Sleep enough  Eat healthy food  Do some sport activities We should avoid:  smoking and drinking alcohol  Stress  Eating unhealthy food

4 Five main groups of valuable foods

5 Food pyramid

6 Junk food

7 Test: Complete the sentences with a word connected to nutrition: a)Burgers and chips contain a lot of....................... b)Potatoes, rice and pasta are form of............................... c)Brown bread contains more..........................than white. d)………………… is found in meat, fish and eggs. e) Eating fresh fruit and vegetables provides you with ……………. f) If you use more ………………..than you eat,you lose weight. g) Lemonade contains a lot of …………….. h) You should avoid eating …………food.

8 Test: Complete the sentences with a word connected to nutrition: a)Burgers and chips contain a lot of fat. b)Potatoes, rice and pasta are form of carbohydrates. c)Brown bread contains more fibre than white. d)Protein is found in meat, fish and eggs. e) Eating fresh fruit and vegetables provides you with vitamins. f) If you use more calories than you eat,you lose weight. g) Lemonade contains a lot of sugar. h) You should avoid eating junk food.

9 Fast food x ordinary restaurant What are the differences?(services,staff,way of eating…)

10 Healthy food x unhealthy food

11 Eating well balanced and healthy food can help you reduce or maintain your weight, and it can also reduce the risk of diseases. Food amount and variety has a big influence on your health. Eating well balanced and healthy food Food is divided in different groups. It is very important to be careful and consume food from different groups. Being healthy means eating healthy food. Food gives the body the energy needed for daily activities like walking, gym, playing football or riding a bike. It is also necessary for the normal body functions. However, no matter what age you are, it is very important to eat healthy food. It is never late to start eating healthy food and improve you eating habits.eating habits

12 Bad eating habits are more than junk or unhealthy food habits. Bad eating habits are habits of unhealthy eating behaviors we do without even thinking about it. Habitually we find ourselves driving out of the drive-thru with a bag of fast food in our lap. Even when we are told that it is not good for our health but still we ignore that inner voice that is telling us to stay away. I’m in a hurry, I’ll do it tomorrow and one more time won’t hurt. We always have excuses and continue doing it, speeding up the inevitable... SICKNESS.

13 Sources: Maturita Solution Intermediate. 2012. vyd. Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN 9780194552943. loss/attachment/woman-eating-junk-food loss/attachment/woman-eating-junk-food Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// Https://

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