LANDSCAPE AND ITS FUNCTION Výukový materiál EK Tvůrce: Mgr. Alena Výborná Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
LANDSCAPE SPHERE AND ITS PARTS Earth´s crust troposphere stratosphere hydrosphere pedosphere biosphere cryosphere socio-economic sphere Landscape (geographic) sphere
EARTH´S CRUST the upper layer of lithosphere
TROPOSPHERE lower layer of atmosphere 90 % of all mass of atmosphere clouds and atmospheric rainfalls are produced here
STRATOSPHERE the layer with maximal concentration of ozone it absorbs short wave (ultraviolet) radiation it protects life on the Earth
PEDOSPHERE soil cover of the Earth it develops by the activity of organisms and rocks
BIOSPHERE a part of Earth´s crust, hydrosphere and atmosphere together with plants and animals the most important part is concentrated near the Earth´s surface – soil cover (the most organisms)
CRYOSPHERE a part of lithosphere and hydrosphere in areas where the temperature is long-term below zero centigrade the water occurs here only in the solid state polar regions
SOCIO-ECONOMIC SPHERE human society their signs, work, products and waste
LANDSCAPE a section of landscape sphere, which contains parts of all geosphere is called LANDSCAPE it is a complex, territorial unit of different size
FUNCTION OF LANDSCAPE utility value: humans live in the landscape they travel in the landscape aesthetic function: each landscape has its own beauty outlooks, views
FUNCTION OF LANDSCAPE stabilising functions: it is able to balance deflections of climate it can manage the water economics and conservation keeping natural variability: it has a particular diversity the shape of the ground, soil types … it forms cultural identity: legends, folk traditions, original crafts…
Review: 1. What is the landscape? 2. What is the function of the landscape? 3. What are the parts of landscape sphere? 4. The layer with maximal ozone concentration is called ………………… 5. Pedosphere is ………………..
Sources: BIČÍK, Ivan, Bohumír JANSKÝ, Hana SRBOVÁ a Václav CÍLEK. Přírodní obraz Země: učebnice zeměpisu pro střední školy. 1. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství České geografické společnosti, 2001, 135 s. ISBN MATĚJKA, Dobroslav, Radek MIKULÁŠ, Václav ZIEGLER a Václav CÍLEK. Přírodopis. 1. vyd. Praha: Scientia, ISBN ŠTULC, Miloslav, Pavel PŘÍHODA, Hana SRBOVÁ a Václav CÍLEK. Přírodní obraz Země: pro 1. ročník gymnázia. Vyd. 1. Praha: Fortuna, 1995, 135 s. ISBN X