GENERATIVE ORGANS Výukový materiál OR Tvůrce: Mgr. Alena Výborná Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
GENERATIVE ORGANS - flower usually a coloured plant organ sexual reproduction flower is mostly metamorphosed leaf flower bed is a stem origin
the outer part of the flower - perianths lovage flower– they have not got any covers ▫ composed of petals ▫ COROLLA homochlamyd– non differentiated perianths heterochlamyd – differentiated perianths sepals– CALYX (green) ▫ petals – COROLLA (colourful)
GENERATIVE ORGANS - flower inside the flower there are sexual organs
unisexual flowers they have inside either pistil or stamens bisexual flowers they have inside both pistil and stamens monoecious plant flowers are of both sexes are in all plants dioecious plant in one plant there are male flowers and in the other female
GENERATIVE ORGANS - flower symmetry of the flower ▫ symmetrical (dead-nettle) ▫ regular (cherry) ▫ asymmetrical
GENERATIVE ORGANS - inflorescence
GENERATIVE ORGANS - fruit composed of seed and pericarp pericarp arises by the growth of cells of the ovary kinds of fruits ▫ fleshy ▫ dry
GENERATIVE ORGANS - fruit fleshy fruits: ▫ soft pericarp ▫ pome (apple) ▫ drupe (plum) ▫ berry (tomato)
GENERATIVE ORGANS - fruit dry fruits: dehiscent ▫ follicle ▫ seedpod ▫ capsule ▫ silicule, silicula non-dehiscent ▫ caryopsis ▫ achaene ▫ nut
REVISION : 1) Among the generative organs can be classified: ▫ Flower, fruit, seed 2) Undifferentiated flower is called: ▫ Corolla 3) What is dioecy? ▫ In the plant there are only male or female flowers. 4) fleshy fruits include Drupe, pome, berry 5) what inflorescence belongs spike to? ▫ Racemose inflorescence
Source of texts and pictures: DOBRORUKA, Luděk J. Přírodopis pro 7. ročník základní školy. 1. vyd. Praha: Scientia, 1998, 152 s. ISBN