y.cz Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/ AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2 – Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název DUMuDescribing people II Stupeň a typ vzděláváníSŠ - Gymnázium Vzdělávací oblastCizí jazyk - anglický Vzdělávací obor79-41-K/41 Tematický okruhSlovní zásoba Druh učebního materiáluVýukový materiál Cílová skupinaŽák, 4.ročník AnotaceŽáci se seznámí s vhodnou slovní zásobou k popisu lidí Vybavení, pomůcky- Klíčová slovaDescribing, people, idioms Datum Describing people II
We have talked about describing height, weight and the way we look. Now let´s have a look at more details of our body. BTW – a question 2 discuss: Does the appearace really matter??? Why (not)? Is the first impression so important??? Describing people II
HAIR or HAIRS ? What is the difference? Straight x wavy x curly x crew-cut x shoulder- lenght x a slaphead x spiky Fair x blond(e) x dark x light brown x dark brown, black, ginger She has such greasy hair (What is the opposite?). She trims her fringe. Plaits, bunches, bun, ponytail, dreadlocks, to dye yr hair, to have highlights Describing people II
Find the right picture: He has stubble. She loves his sideburns. Do you like his moustache? How do I pronounce ´beard´? Thin x thick hair Describing people II
Let us talk abou your hair. Can you describe your hair? What hair would you like to have? What hair would you like your partner to have? What can you see in these pics? Describing people II
Talking about skin / complexion: She has too many freckles and wrinkles. I´d love to have tatoos on my shoulders. Birthmark / mole Hairy chest is a turn-off. Scars on a face. Describing people II
Translate into Czech: High and lined forehead Double chin Pointed chin Long false eylashes Busy (bushy) eyebrows Wide mouth Pointed nose Hooked nose Chubby face Thick cherry lips Describing people II
Can you guess the meaning of these idioms? She is a bag of bones. She is a plain Jane. When she came she was dressed to kill. The poor guy has a face only a mother could love. He has a face that would stop the clock. You know Angela – not a hair out of place. I met him!!! Tall, dark and handsome. Describing people II