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Citace z materiálů IPPOG: Who is IPPOG? IPPOG is a network of scientists, researchers, science educators and explainers engaged in informal science education and outreach for particle physics.
What is our aim? The principle aim of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) is to contribute to global efforts in strengthening cultural awareness, understanding and support of particle physics and related sciences.
Membership of IPPOG includes a rare mix of scientists and researchers, science educators and explainers from prominent laboratories and institutions engaged in cutting edge science as well as informal educators supporting efforts in particle physics. Members include representatives from each member state of CERN, each major experiment at CERN’s LHC and prominent labs and institutions in Europe. Now IPPOG plans to expand to other countries and continents.
Poděkování těm, bez nichž by Masterclasses v ČR nebyly Klement Gottwald Václav Stanislav Vlastimil Čepelák Eva Nováková
Poděkování 2 těm, kteří do toho odvážně jdou v roce 2012 Milada Marková (Gymnázium Letohrad) Libor Malý (Gymnázium Jeseník)
VÝZVA Odvážní pedagogové, ozvěte se! Zkuste/me uspořádat Masterclasses i na vaší škole!