Základní technická terminologie Poznámka: značka * za slovem znamená pokračování kliknutím, zbytek je načasován
Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Označení materiálu VY_22_INOVACE_02_21 Šablona II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Tematická oblast Technická angličtina Škola Střední průmyslová škola strojní a elektrotechnická a Vyšší odborná škola, Liberec 1, Masarykova 3, příspěvková organizace Autor Ing. Ivo REJC Téma hodiny Základní technická terminologie Předmět, ročník ANJ, 3. ročník, opakování – 4.ročník Anotace Žáci si procvičí základní terminologii technické angličtiny
Control loop Gauge An instrument for detecting quantity or quality, for example temperature or motion, and returning an electrical output Přiřaďte výrazům správné definice: RegulatorSensor* Series of control operations including measuring an output, comparing what the output should be, and taking action to correct it A mechamism or device to control something (pressure, temperature, fluid flow, etc) An instrument for measuring a quantity*
Stability A type of energy associated with temperature HeatCompressorHydraulic* Status of a system how easily it can be made to operate at a setpoint without fluctuating A part of a gas turbine that compresses the air before it enters combustion chambers A part of a machine operated by pressure being transmitted through a pipe by a liquid
Bypass Motor Power, energy or work produced by system (engine) OutputLaser* A device that changes a form of energy into mechanical energy to produce motion A way of diverting a flow of fluid around a system a device for producing a beam of light that can measure things or heat things up to very high temperatures*
Equipment Manual Material, devices, fittings and appliances used as apart of electrical or mechanical installation (or in connection with it) DifferentialAssembly* A gear train that allows two shafts to rotate at different speed while being driven by a third one The process of putting parts together to make a machine or other product A book with instructions how to handle with a particular machine*
To regulate Tolerance A material used to generate energy when it is burned Plastic deformationFuel * If you regulate an instrument or appliance, you adjust it so that it operates correctl Material changes a shape when a stress is applied onto it and does not go back to its original state when the stress is removed The amount of variation that is allowed in a measurement or other characteristic of an object or workpiece*
[1] Key Words for Electrical Engineering; HarperCollinsPublishers, Glasgow 2013 Použité zdroje [2] Key Words for Mechanical Engineering; HarperCollinsPublishers, Glasgow 2013