the19th century 50 km north-east of Prague Mladá Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiště, Hodkovice nad Mohelkou, Kopanina, Železný Brod, Semily, Nová Paka, Jičín, Kopidlno, Sobotka, Dolní Bousov
endangered species of animals and plants prospect (agate, amethyst,..) castles, manor houses, lakes,…
*Jičín, Turnov and Mladá Boleslav in the 13th and 14th century - first castles,.. Albrecht from Valdštejn - builder (Jičín)
Eagle-owl Kestrel Grey Heron
Black Stork White-tailed Eagle Common Raven
Lesser Horseshoe Bat Critically endangered
Lesser Purple Emperor Purple Emperor Rhinoceros beetle
Fire Salamander Natterjack Toad
Common Sundew Bok Arum Yellow Flag Iris
Critically endangered White cotton grass
prospect = minerale (minerál) Eagle-owe = Gufo reale (Výr velký) Kestrel = Gheppio (Poštolka obecná) Grey Heron = Airone cenerino (Volavka popelavá) Black Stork = Cicogna Nera (Čáp černý) Natterjack Toad = Rospo specie (Ropucha krátkonohá)
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