ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Chomutov, Mostecká 3000, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Mgr. David Rohusch NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_03A_17_Australia - aboriginals TEMA: Geografie ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0816 DATUM TVORBY: 23/4/2013
Anotace Tento materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce Materiál je určen pro žáky úrovně A2,B1. Časově je koncipován na jednu vyučovací hodinu. Tento materiál je určen seznámení s původními obyvateli Austrálie. Cílem prezentace je připravit žáky na souvislý ústní projev Austrálii s důrazem na jeho původní obyvatelstvo. Žáci si píší poznámky do svých sešitů, lokalizují všechny zmíněné pojmy na mapě, odpovídají na otázky a hledají informace v online prostředí Tento materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce
Aboriginal Australia
Aboriginal history 40-60 000 yrs. ago 1606 – Dutch 1770 – James Cook 1788 – First fleet Harsh behaviour by whites, no resistance from Aborigines Early 1900s legislation designed to segregate and 'protect' Aboriginal Regulation of Aboriginal women to remove children from Aboriginal mothers Regulation of employment, marriage etc. was replaced by The Welfare ordinance 1953
Explain: First fleet, The Aboriginals Ordinance, Rudd, Stolen g. Since 1990‘s Rehabilitation 2008 Rudd‘s apology to the Stolen generation 3% (670 000) Densely in cities – Redfern, Sydney Outback of northern Queensland, Northern T.
Dreamtime Dreaming – a set of aboriginal myths and stories of their ancestors - in oral form only, religious belief Different creatures according to the area On shore – water fowl… Outback – snakes, kangaroos, goanna… FIND A STORY OUT OF DREAMTIME AND RETELL IT TO YOUR NEIGHBOUR http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_aboriginals
Mimis – rock art Lightning man didjeridoos Rock engravings Rock art
ABORIGINAL FOOD Bushtucker 1 Bushtucker Traditionally anything you can pick or catch – roos,goannas, birds, fish….. Used spears and bow and arrows or boomerang in the past, rifles now 2
Revision What is a boomerang and what variations are used? Can you name any of bushtucker plants? Explain the Dreamtime Describe a position of aboriginals in society now and then
Revision What is a boomerang and what variations are used? A boomerang is a thrown tool, typically constructed as a flat aerofoil Can you name any of bushtucker plants? traditionally relates to any food native to Australia and used as sustenance by the original inhabitants Explain the Dreamtimea set of aboriginal myths and stories of their ancestors - in oral form only, religious belief Describe a position of aboriginals in society now and then Harsh behaviour by whites, no resistance from Aborigines, Early 1900s legislation designed to segregate Since 1990‘s Rehabilitation 2008 Rudd‘s apology to the Stolen generation
Citace Slide 3-8: archiv autora Slide 9: 1. Bushtucker .TOURISM, NT. wikipedie [online]. [cit. 23.4.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Australian_bush_tucker,_Alice_Springs.jpg Slide 9: 2. archiv autora Slide 9: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boomerang, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goanna Slide 10: Muži z ostrova Bathurst. NEUVEDEN. wikipedie [online]. [cit. 23.4.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bathurst_Island_men.jpg