North East Quiz Tematická oblast Angličtina: The USA Datum vytvoření 7. 6. 2013 Ročník 2. - 4., sexta – oktáva, úroveň B1+ Stručný obsah Přehledná kontrola znalostí zajímavých oblastí severovýchodu USA formou otázek a možných odpovědí, pouze jedna z nich je správná. Způsob využití Jednotlivé stránky přinášejí základní otázky o zajímavých oblastech severovýchodu USA spolu s výběrem jedné správné odpovědi. Autor Tomáš Kolenovský Kód VY_22_INOVACE_02_AKLN15 Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín Poznámka: prezentace je plně funkční při použití programu Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 a vyšší
The President of the USA lives in U. S. Capitol Camp David The White House Arlington National Cemetery and Lincoln Memorial are in New York Washington Philadelphia
Liberty Bell Boston is a symbol of American independence is the name of the east coast telephone company is the name of Pilgrims’ ship Boston is a new, modern city on the east coast is one of the oldest cities in the USA doesn’t have teams in professional sports leagues
Ford Motor Company started in 1909 in Chicago 1915 in New York 1903 in Detroit Willis Tower, the tallest building in the western hemisphere is a 412m tall skyscraper in Chicago is a 604m tall tower in New York is a 386m tall monument in Washington
Niagara Falls Manhattan are near Boston are near Buffalo are near Cleveland Manhattan is a famous New York theatre is the New York Rangers stadium is one of five New York boroughs
Central Park Greyhound is the National Parks central authority is a big park in New York is the biggest US car park in front of the Ford Motor Company Greyhound is an intercity bus company is a symbol of Washington slang expression for American trains
The President of the USA lives in U. S. Capitol Camp David The White House Arlington National Cemetery and Lincoln Memorial are in New York Washington Philadelphia
Liberty Bell Boston is a symbol of American independence is the name of the east coast telephone company is the name of Pilgrims’ ship Boston is a new, modern city on the east coast is one of the oldest cities in the USA doesn’t have teams in professional sports leagues
Ford Motor Company started in 1909 in Chicago 1915 in New York 1903 in Detroit Willis Tower, the tallest building in the western hemisphere is a 412m tall skyscraper in Chicago is a 604m tall tower in New York is a 386m tall monument in Washington
Niagara Falls Manhattan are near Boston are near Buffalo are near Cleveland Manhattan is a famous New York theatre is the New York Rangers stadium is one of five New York boroughs
Central Park Greyhound is the National Parks central authority is a big park in New York is the biggest US car park in front of the Ford Motor Company Greyhound is an intercity bus company is a symbol of Washington slang expression for American trains Note: In some cases American English is used to preserve terminology and some other aspects