Teleskopy na neutrina neutrinová astronomie
Princip detekce
Amanda a IceCube
Výsledky ICECUBE
Citlivost detektorů a limity
Difusní toky (limity)
Průchod neutrin Zemí
Sluneční a atmosferická neutrina, historie: Pauli presents hypothetical "neutron" particlePauli presents hypothetical "neutron" particle Fermi develops theory of weak interaction and baptizes the neutrinoFermi develops theory of weak interaction and baptizes the neutrino First discovery of the neutrino by an experimentFirst discovery of the neutrino by an experiment Discovery of an other type of neutrino at Brookhaven National LabDiscovery of an other type of neutrino at Brookhaven National Lab First experiment to detect electron neutrinos produced by the sunFirst experiment to detect electron neutrinos produced by the sun Discovery of the tau lepton at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, existence of tau neutrino theorizedDiscovery of the tau lepton at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, existence of tau neutrino theorized Kamiokande becomes operationalKamiokande becomes operational The IMB experiment & Russian team reports measurement of non-zero neutrino massThe IMB experiment & Russian team reports measurement of non-zero neutrino mass Kamiokande and IMB detect simultaneous burst of neutrinos from SupernovaKamiokande and IMB detect simultaneous burst of neutrinos from Supernova Kamiokande becomes second experiment detecting neutrinos from the sun and confirms anomaly of finding only 1/3 expected rateKamiokande becomes second experiment detecting neutrinos from the sun and confirms anomaly of finding only 1/3 expected rate IMB confirms deficit of muon neutrino interactionsIMB confirms deficit of muon neutrino interactions LEP experiments show that there are only three light neutrinosLEP experiments show that there are only three light neutrinos First proclamation of possible neutrinos oscillations seen by LSND experimentFirst proclamation of possible neutrinos oscillations seen by LSND experiment Missing solar neutrinos confirmed by GALLEXMissing solar neutrinos confirmed by GALLEX AMANDA neutrino telescope observes neutrinos at the south poleAMANDA neutrino telescope observes neutrinos at the south pole Super-Kamiokande collaboration announces evidence of non-zero neutrino massSuper-Kamiokande collaboration announces evidence of non-zero neutrino mass 2002 – SNO potvrzuje model Slunce, triumf oscilaci
Sluneční neutrina
galiu m chlorin e SNO, SuperK Sluneční neutrina
Sluneční neutrina, detekce HOMESTAKE – extrakce radiochemicky Davis, Bahcal, málo neutrin ze slunce podobný princip GALEX a SAGE detekce kolem keV neutrin A nebo v detektorech typu KAMIOKANDE a SUPERKAMIOKANDE Inverzní beta rozpad
mio n elektro n
Něco tady chybí, nebo je špatné model Slunce?
Neutronov y zachyt na deuteronu
Slana faze - SNO
1964: Něco tady chybí (oscilace?), nebo je špatne model Slunce? 2002: Odpověď SNO : Chybí mi eletronová neutrina, ale celkový počet neutrin je v pořádku TEDY OSCILACE Nobelova cena only who dares can win... Your humble servant, W. Pauli
Oscilace Flavour stav Hmotový stav Mixing matice Vývoj stacionárního stavu Stav po čase t,v t=0 čistě stav alfa Pravděpodobnost, že z alfa bude po čase t beta Pro dva flavoury
Atmosférická neutrina 1 : 2 cca. :)
Atmosférická neutrina e pod GeV e nad GeV miony nad GeV miony pod GeV SuperK TEDY OSCILACE
Supernova 1987A a KAMIOKANDE inverzni beta rozpad