Easter in Great Britain NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_17_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Easter in Great Britain ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.09/
Datum vytvoření projektu duben 2011 Ročník5. – 8. Popis prezentaceZopakování a procvičení tématu- Easter and spring tradition - spojení obrázků se slovy, použití slovní zásoby v jednoduchých větách, tradice a symboly velikonoc, krátké vyprávění,práce se slovníkem – vyhledávání neznámé slovní zásoby
Easter and spring tradition Great Britain
At Easter,Christians remember how the son of their God, Jesus Christ, died on the cross on Good Friday. Christian celebrate his Resurrection on Sunday morning. They go to church on Easter Sunday. Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
For many people in Britain Easter is about the beginning of spring, eating Hot cross buns and having a holiday. Good Friday and easter Monday are bank holidays. What are Easter symbols ? Flowers, chicks,eggs,rabbits are all signs of Easter. They are signs of new life.
What are Easter symbols ? Hot cross buns tulips dandelions violetssnowdrops daffodils primrose rabbit Easter Bunny
People colour and decorate eggs or buy them in a shop Children believe in the Easter Bunny He filles the baskets with coloured or chocolate eggs Easter traditions in Great Britain
The Easter Bunny hides coloured eggs around the house On Easter Monday morning, children hunt for the eggs all around the house and in the garden Easter traditions in Great Britain
It is a tradition to make Hot Cross Bun on Good Friday, which are eaten with butter o People wear new clothes on Easter Sunday Easter traditions in Great Britain
On Easter Monday many people travel to the seaside for one Day Easter Monday is also a day of many sporting events and games. Easter – sports activities
Easter traditions in Great Britain Children like to play with Easter eggs. They roll eggs up a hill Families get together and they have big dinners at Easter. They eat special meat, usually baked ham, potatoes and vegetables.
People also send Cards to their friends and relatives with Easter symbols or baby animals. HAPPY EASTER
L E N T starts 40 days before Easter and goes from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Traditionally Christians shouldn´t eat meat or rich food during LENT. SPRING TRADITIONS Before Easter English have some other spring traditions
This day people cook and eat delicious pancakes. It is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday. In some towns and villages, there are also pancake races. You have to throw a pancake up in the air and catch it in your frying pan. Pancake Day
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