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registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/

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1 registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0879.
únor 2014 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_140211 SLOVESO HAVE TO Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Bc. Martin Krčmař. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám, registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/

2 Michael and his school Najděte věty, které vyjadřují, co lidé musí a nemusí dělat. Michael is 17 years old. He is a student at a boarding private school in Britain. That means his parents have to pay for his education. Michael has to get up at 6 o´clock every morning and he has to go for a run. After that, he has to tidy his room. Michael´s school lessons are from 8 a.m. until 4. p.m. Then he has to do his homework. In the evening, he doesn´t have to do sports but he usually plays football or basketball with his schoolmates. They all have to be back in their rooms at 10 p.m. Does he have to study hard? Yes, he does. He says, “It´s a hard work, but I really like my school.“

3 Michael and his school ŘEŠENÍ: Michael is 17 years old. He is a student at a boarding private school in Britain. That means his parents have to pay for his education. Michael has to get up at 6 o´clock every morning and he has to go for a run. After that, he has to tidy his room. Michael´s school lessons are from 8 a.m. until 4. p.m. Then he has to do his homework. In the evening, he doesn´t have to do sports but he usually plays football or basketball with his schoolmates. They all have to be back in their rooms at 10 p.m. Does he have to study hard? Yes, he does. He says, “It´s a hard work, but I really like my school.“

4 Použití slovesa have to
Sloveso have to (=muset) používáme, když chceme říci, že je něco nezbytné nebo povinné udělat. Často se jedná o nařízení, zákon či pravidlo. I have to tidy my room every weekend. Many children in Great Britain have to wear school uniforms. Michael has to stay at school until 4 o´clock. Do your parents have to pay for your education? →Yes, they do./No, they don´t. Výraz don´t have to (=nemuset) používáme, když říkáme, že něco není nezbytné, že něco nemusíme dělat (a není to zakázané či proti pravidlům). I don´t have to tidy my room every day. We don´t have to have lunch in the school canteen. She doesn´t have to wear a uniform at school.

5 Časování slovesa have to
Věta kladná: Věta záporná: Otázka: Krátká odpověď: I/You/We/They have to wear a uniform. He/She/It has to I/You/We/They don´t have to get up early. He/She/It doesn´t have to Do I/you/we/they have to study hard? Does he/she/it Yes, I/you/we/they do. he/she/it does. No, I/you/we/they don´t. he/she/it doesn´t.

6 ÚKOL č.1 Doplňte věty. Použijte správné tvary have to nebo don´t have to My eyes are not good. I ________ wear glasses. We have enough food, we __________ go to the supermarket. Jane _______ help her parents with cooking at the weekend. My father __________ work on Saturdays. Molly is studying literature. She __________ read a lot of books. Mr.Brown isn´t at home much. He _______ travel a lot in his job. They _________have lunch at school. Harry lives in a village. He ______ get up early every school day. I _________ wear a uniform at school. I don´t understand English much, you _______ speak slowly to me. obr. 1, 2

7 ŘEŠENÍ č.1 Doplňte věty. Použijte správné tvary have to nebo don´t have to My eyes are not good. I have to wear glasses. We have enough food, we don´t have to go to the supermarket. Jane has to help her parents with cooking at the weekend. My father doesn´t have to work on Saturdays. Molly is studying literature. She has to read a lot of books. Mr.Brown isn´t at home much. He has to travel a lot in his job. They don´t have to have lunch at school. Harry lives in a village. He has to get up early every school day. I don´t have to wear a uniform at school. I don´t understand English much, you have to speak slowly to me. obr. 1, 2

8 ÚKOL č. 2 Doplňte věty. Použijte vhodný tvar slovesa have to a hodící se sloveso z nabídky. study go go wear buy take walk get Let´s go to the supermarket after school. We ____________some food. There are no buses. They _____________ back home. It´s late. I ___________ now, I´ll see you tomorrow. Tom is ill. He ____________ his medicine three times a day. I´ll be late for school tomorrow, I _____________ to the dentist. Mick and Jenny are in their final year. They __________ hard. We ____________ to school before 8 a.m. Our students ____________slippers at school.

9 ŘEŠENÍ č. 2 Doplňte věty. Použijte vhodný tvar slovesa have to a hodící se sloveso z nabídky. study go go wear buy take walk get Let´s go to the supermarket after school. We have to buy some food. There are no buses. They have to walk back home. It´s late. I have to go now, I´ll see you tomorrow. Tom is ill. He has to take his medicine three times a day. I´ll be late for school tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. Mick and Jenny are in their final year. They have to study hard. We have to get to school before 8 a.m. Our students have to wear slippers at school.

10 wear stay speak take be help
ÚKOL č. 3 Napište otázky s výrazem have to a slovesem z nabídky. Poté napište pravdivé odpovědi. wear stay speak take be help _Do you have to wear_ a school uniform? _No, I don´t.__ ___________________ English in English lessons? ____________ ___________________ at school before 7.15 a.m. on Tuesday? ___________________ your mum with housework? ___________________ an exam at the end of this year? ___________________ at school after 2.20 p.m.?

11 wear stay speak take be help
ŘEŠENÍ č. 3 Napište otázky s výrazem have to a slovesem z nabídky. Poté napište pravdivé odpovědi. wear stay speak take be help _Do you have to wear_ a school uniform? _No, I don´t.__ _ Do you have to speak_ English in English lessons? _Yes, we do._ _ Do you have to be_ at school before 7.15 a.m. on Tuesday? _Yes, we do. / No, we don´t._ _ Do you have to help_ your mum with housework? _Yes, I do._ _ Do you have to take_ an exam at the end of this year? _ Do you have to stay_ at school after 2.20 p.m.? _No, we don´t._

12 „must“ and „have to“ must = muset (= ve smyslu chci to já, myslím si to já) have to = muset (= někdo či něco to po mně vyžaduje) Když vyjadřujeme svůj vlastní názor o tom, co si myslíme, že je nezbytné udělat, můžeme použít jak výraz „have to“ tak i výraz „must“. It´s a great music video. You must see it! or It´s a great music video. You have to see it! Když nevyjadřujeme svůj osobní názor, ale mluvíme o pravidlech, nařízeních, zákonech, faktech apod., musíme použít výraz „have to“ (nikoliv must). Jim won´t be at school tomorrow. He has to go to the doctor. (=Toto není moje přesvědčení ani názor, je to fakt.) If you want to drive a car, you have to be 18 years old. (=Toto není moje přesvědčení ani názor, je to zákon.)

13 ÚKOL č. 4 must = muset (= ve smyslu chci to já, myslím si to já)
have to = muset (= někdo či něco to po mně vyžaduje) Vyberte správnou možnost. V některých případech jsou obě možnosti správné. In some countries, young men have to do/must do military service. It´s a fantastic book. You have to read/must read it. I really smoke too much. I must stop/have to stop. Why is Tom going out? He must see/has to see somebody. They can´t park their car here for free. They must pay/have to pay. John must go/has to go to work by train. We must study/have to study English at school. I´m a bit fat, I must get fit/have to get fit.

14 ŘEŠENÍ č. 4 must = muset (= ve smyslu chci to já, myslím si to já)
have to = muset (= někdo či něco to po mně vyžaduje) Vyberte správnou možnost. V některých případech jsou obě možnosti správné. In some countries, young men have to do military service. It´s a fantastic book. You have to read/must read it. I really smoke too much. I must stop/have to stop. Why is Tom going out? He has to see somebody. They can´t park their car here for free. They have to pay. John has to go to work by train. We have to study English at school. I´m a bit fat, I must get fit/have to get fit.

15 „don´t have to“ and „mustn´t“
don´t have to = nemuset (= ve smyslu není to nutné) mustn´t = nesmět (= ve smyslu je to zakázané) Když vyjadřujeme, co není nutné udělat, používáme výraz don´t have to. You don´t have to be 18 to see this film. (=nemusíš mít 18 let) She doesn´t have to go to school by bus. She can walk. (=nemusí jet autobusem) Když vyjadřujeme, co se nesmí nebo mluvíme o tom, co je zakázané, používáme výraz mustn´t. You mustn´t run in the corridor. (=je to zakázané) We mustn´t come late! (= nesmíme se zpozdit) He mustn´t know I spoke to you. (= nesmí to vědět)

16 ÚKOL č. 5 Keep this flash disc in safe place. You _______ lose it!
Doplňte podle potřeby mustn´t, don´t have to nebo doesn´t have to. Keep this flash disc in safe place. You _______ lose it! This book is free, you ________ pay for it. My mum _________ work at weekends. You _________ do the washing today. I can do it for you tomorrow. You _________ forget to send this letter today! The Sullivans __________ work, they are very rich. You ________ touch the pictures in a gallery. Peter is on a diet, he __________ eat meat or chocolate.

17 ŘEŠENÍ č. 5 Keep this flash disc in safe place. You mustn´t lose it!
Doplňte podle potřeby mustn´t, don´t have to nebo doesn´t have to. Keep this flash disc in safe place. You mustn´t lose it! This book is free, you don´t have to pay for it. My mum doesn´t have to work at weekends. You don´t have to do the washing today. I can do it for you tomorrow. You mustn´t forget to send this letter today! The Sullivans don´t have to work, they are very rich. You mustn´t touch the pictures in a gallery. Peter is on a diet, he mustn´t eat meat or chocolate.

18 POUŽITÁ LITERATURA MATURITA SOLUTIONS Elementary STUDENT´S BOOK. Oxford University Press, ISBN MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. London: Cambridge University Press, ISBN

19 CITACE ZDROJŮ obr.1: Btn plus Clip Art [online] [cit ]. Dostupné z: obr.2: Btn minus Clip Art [online] [cit ]. Dostupné z:

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