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10 min + vyhodnocení + diskuse

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1 10 min + vyhodnocení + diskuse
AMERIKA 10 min + vyhodnocení + diskuse text tabule Mgr. Iva Lulayová

2 AMERIKA – kreativní psaní
Napište celými větami charakteristiku Ameriky.

3 AMERIKA vybarvi v mapě světa kontinent Amerika
pořadí podle rozlohy – 2. pořadí podle délky pobřeží – 1.

4 Kontinent x světadíl kontinent – tektonický původ - Amerika
světadíl – vznikl historickým vývoje společnosti – Severní Amerika a Jižní Amerika

5 Členění amerického kontinentu
Pomocí učebnice se pokus vybarvit mapu a vyznačit šíje. Šíje také pojmenuj. Dále se pokus vyplnit text vpravo vedle mapy

6 Členění amerického kontinentu
Fyzicko geografické člěnění SEVERNÍ Amerika rozloha – 24 mil. km² JIŽNÍ Amerika - rozloha mil. km² STŘEDNÍ Amerika – část severoamerické pevniny mezi Mexikem a Panamou , včetně Karibské oblasti

7 Členění amerického kontinentu
Sociogeografické členění ANGLOSASKÁ - kolonizována převážně anglosaskými národy (V.B., Fr.) LATINSKÁ - kolonizována románskými národy (Šp., Port.)

8 SEVERNÍ AMERIKAt tabule Mgr. Iva Lulayová

9 AMERIKA – POVRCH Doplňte k šipkám a ke svorce vypsaná místa



Zakreslete zjednodušeně vegetační pásy Severní Ameriky – využijte atlas (zakreslujte jen ty vegetační pásy, které máte pod mapou na pracovním listě) tabulku pod mapou využijte jako legendu – vybarvěte je stejně jako v mapě Popište jednotlivé vegetační pásy Rovnoběžky vedoucí přes mapu naznačují hranice podnebných pásů – dopište jejich názvy podle atlasu

13 North America Physical Map SEVERNÍ AMERIKA FYZICKÁ MAPA

14 Climate map – KLIMATICKÁ MAPA
Temperature and precipitation are its most important expressions and vegetation is its most visible expression. Animal life adapts to both climate and vegetation. Soils develop in response to climate and vegetation.

15 Climate map – KLIMATICKÁ MAPA
Teplota a srážky jsou nejvíce charakterizují klima (podnebí) a nejviditelnější vyjádření klimatu je vegetace. Zvířata se adaptují na klima i na vegetaci.ation. Soils develop in response to climate and vegetation.

16 Precipitation = SRÁŽKY


18 North America biomes Biomes are defined as "the world's major communities, classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment" (Campbell).

19 Snow cover


21 Tundra - TUNDRA The Arctic tundra is a cold, vast, treeless area
of low, swampy plains in the far north around the Arctic Ocean. It includes the northern lands of Alaska and Canada. Since the sun does not rise for nearly six months of the year, it is not unusual for the temperature to be below -30°F in winter.

22 ALJAŠKA Glaciers and a sub-arctic ecosystem are found in Denali National Park and Preserve.


24 Mt. Mac Kinley At the left-center of the picture is North America's highest peak, the 20,320 foot summit of Mt. McKinley. It's also known as Denali (the Great One). To the west is Mt. Forager (17,400 ft), and in the foreground are several of the dozens of large glaciers emanating from the Alaska Range.

25 Přechod do tajgy

26 Taiga = TAJGA Taiga (or Boreal Forests) represent the largest terrestrial biome. Occurring between 50° and 60° north latitudes, boreal forests can be found in the broad belt of Eurasia and North America. At left is the hardy jack pine species common in the poor, sandy soils, mostly in Canada.

27 Moose moose

28 West Coast rain forest – ZÁPADNÍ POBŘEŽÍ DEŠTNÉ LESY
The abundant rainfall of the Pacific Northwest allows for the growth of huge pine trees.

29 Biomes change with elevation

30 Alpine tundra Rocky Mountain high
This biome exists at the tops of high mountains, above the tree line. The growing season is about 180 days, and nighttime temperatures are usually below freezing. The soil is well-drained (unlike the Arctic tundra).

31 highlands

32 Continental Divide This line separating waters that flow into the Atlantic Ocean from those that flow into the Pacific Ocean runs north-south along the crest of the Rocky Mountains.

33 deciduous forest LISTNATÉ LESY
Deciduous forests can be found in the eastern half of North America, and the middle of Europe.

34 Prairie - PRÉRIE The prairie biome is a plant community dominated by grasses and non-grassy herbs with some woody shrubs and occasional trees. Although tall-grass prairie once broadly covered the middle of the United States, this biome is now estimated to be at least 99% destroyed from pre-settlement by pioneers, who converted it for agricultural uses.

35 Great Plains grasslands – VELKÉ PLANINY - STEPI
Mid-grass prairie near Manhattan, Kansas Temperate grasslands are characterized by hot summers and cold winters. Evaporation rate is high, so little rain makes it into the rich soil.

36 Desert - POUŠTĚ sparse vegetation, very low plant diversity
Although most deserts occur at low latitudes, cold deserts occur in the basin and range area of Utah and Nevada.

37 SONORSKÁ POUŠŤ Winter storms from the Pacific nourish many West Coast annuals, while well-developed summer monsoons host both annuals and woody plants originating from the south.

38 Californian chaparral
A chaparral is a shrubby coastal area that has hot dry summers and mild, cool, rainy winters. Annual rainfall in a chaparral ranges from 15–40” per year. These coastal regions have cold ocean currents offshore. The word chaparral comes from "chaparro," which means scrub oak in Spanish.

Tropical rain forests are mainly the product of climatic interactions, particularly temperature and rainfall. They occur where monthly temperature of °C combines with an annual rainfall of m, evenly distributed throughout the year.



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