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KT Introduction to LINGUISTICS Karel Tahal.

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1 KT Introduction to LINGUISTICS Karel Tahal

2 lectures and “colloquium“
KT lectures and “colloquium“ WINTER SEMESTER ONLY

KT RECOMMENDED BIBLIOGRAPHY AITCHINSON, J. (1992). Introducing Language and Mind. Penguin Books. ARONOFF, M. et al. (2003). The Handbook of Linguistics. Blackwell Publishers. ASHER, R., ed. (1993). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 10 vols. BRIGHT, W., ed. (1992). International Encyclopedia of Linguistics 1–4. New York, Oxford. BROWN, K R. (Ed.) (2005). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd ed.). Elsevier. ČERMÁK, F. (1994). Jazyk a jazykověda. Pražská imaginace, Praha. ERHART, A. (1984). Základy jazykovědy. Praha. JACKSON, H. (2007). Key Terms in Linguistics, Continuum. LYONS, J. (1968). Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. CUP. O´GRADY, W. & DOBROVOLSKY, M. (1987). Contemporary Linguistic Analysis Copp Clark Pitman Ltd., Toronto. KOLINSKÁ, I. (2004). Readings in Introduction to Linguistics. Katedra anglistiky PF UJEP COMPULSORY! (Available at the resource room, English Department, Mrs. Hrochová.) PALEK, B. & PERKINS, M. (1989). Foundations of Language. Praha ROBINS, R.H. (1971). General Linguistics, An Introductory Survey. Longman SMITH, N. & WILSON, D. (1984). Modern Linguistics. OUP. VOREL, R. (1993). Úvod do studia anglického jazyka. FHS Západočeská univerzita, Plzeň. YULE, G. (1996). The study of language. CUP © FactumCZ,s.r.o., 2006

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