Www.zlinskedum y.cz Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1007 AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2.

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Prezentace na téma: "Www.zlinskedum y.cz Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1007 AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2."— Transkript prezentace:

1 www.zlinskedum y.cz Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1007 AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2 – Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název DUMuGB history IV Stupeň a typ vzděláváníSŠ - Gymnázium Vzdělávací oblastCizí jazyk - anglický Vzdělávací obor79-41-K/41 Tematický okruhReálie Druh učebního materiáluVýukový materiál Cílová skupinaŽák, 4.ročník AnotaceŽáci se seznámí s problematikou reálií Velké Británie Vybavení, pomůcky- Klíčová slovaFakta a historie Velké Británie Datum3.11.2013 GB history IV

2 What were the main issues of the 20´s in Great Britain? 20’s – Years of Depression What’s that? After war-economics in trouble, unemployment 1926-General Strike GB history IV

3 What is feminism? When did it start? Movement and fights for women’s rights Late 20’s – women were allowed to smoke, drink alcohol and wear short skirts and make- up in public. Good thing? GB history IV

4 When and how did it start? Sep 1938, invasion to Poland 1938 – GB declared a war on Germany Britain lost 25% of population 1941 – Who entered and helped in the War? Sure, Americans Expensive war, towns bombed, destroyed, economy in trouble Late 1940’s – Years of Reconstruction GB history IV

5 Late 40´s and 50´s What was happening? Was it a good time for Britain? Labour Party created Welfare State (good social system, money for poor ppl,NHS –free, national companies controlled by government Early 50’s – ppl getting more money, rich. GB history IV

6 Affluent society What is the horrible word??? OK, during 50’s –growth of private sector, car production, wages increased a lot, families – car,TV, fridge, good standard of living = AFFLUENT SOCIETY Do you understand it now?? Yeah, thanx a lot… GB history IV

7 Big time4young ppl. Why? They had $$$ (pounds), jobs, free time and freedom Time of excitement, explosion of pop music. Which groups? The Beatles, the Rolling Stones – heroes all over the world Sexual revolution Wow, it sounds good… Tell me more… Sorry we are short of time and space… GB history IV

8 70´s What were hot issues of 90’s??? Tel me… Racism, ethnic minorities, immigration, national identity (Who am I???) Environment, globalization sexual harassment, gender studies, gay and lesbian rights,… 1996 – Labour Party, Tony Blair became PM GB history IV

9 What were hot issues of 90’s??? Tel me… Racism, ethnic minorities, immigration, national identity (Who am I???) Environment, globalization sexual harassment, gender studies, gay and lesbian rights,… 1996 – Labour Party, Tony Blair became PM GB history IV

10 What is the biggest problem??? Terrorism is the most serious topic. Why? May 2005 – wave of immigrants into GB. Why? Good or bad? Summer 2005 – terrorist attack in London underground and double-decker bus George Bush – controversial guy What’s coming next?? Who knows…We’ll C GB history IV


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