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Prezentace se nahrává, počkejte prosím

Škola1. ZŠ T. G. Masaryka Milevsko AutorMgr. Lenka Soldátová ČísloVY_32_INOVACE_68 NázevPresent simple - negative Téma hodinyČinnosti doma i ve škole PředmětAnglický.

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Prezentace na téma: "Škola1. ZŠ T. G. Masaryka Milevsko AutorMgr. Lenka Soldátová ČísloVY_32_INOVACE_68 NázevPresent simple - negative Téma hodinyČinnosti doma i ve škole PředmětAnglický."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Škola1. ZŠ T. G. Masaryka Milevsko AutorMgr. Lenka Soldátová ČísloVY_32_INOVACE_68 NázevPresent simple - negative Téma hodinyČinnosti doma i ve škole PředmětAnglický jazyk Ročník/y/6. ročník (možno využít pro opakování) AnotaceCvičení a tabulky pro tvoření kladných a záporných tvarů v různých osobách a číslech. Žáci skládají různé věty podle obrázků, popisují svůj den v časových intervalech. Očekávaný výstupŽáci překládají kladné a záporné věty podle obrázků, uvědomují si rozdíl a zároveň řeknou o sobě, co během dne dělají a nedělají. (dvě věty) Druh učebního materiáluPrezentace

2 Present simple negative positivenegative I we you they work like walk do I we you they do not don´t work like walk do he she it works likes walks does he she it does not doesn´t work like walk do

3 Write the negative We travel by train. ____________________ They learn every day. ___________________ She watches TV. ___________________ Paul eats at the restaurant. _______________ I walk to school. ________________ My mother has a shower in the evening. __________________________ I and my friend Lucy like History. ___________ Jane does her homework at five. _____________

4 Complete the sentences into the correct positive form We don´t travel by train. We travel by bus. They don´t learn every day._____________ She doesn´t watch TV. _________________ Paul doesn´t eat at the restaurant.____________ I don´t walk to school.___________________ My mother doesn´t have a shower in the evening._______________ I and my friend Lucy don´t like History._________ Jane doesn´t do her homework at five._________

5 Talk about the people - play the musical instru- ment - go by bus to school - play baseball - have lunch at school - finish school at two o´clock - speak French I yes no yes no Jane no yes Tony yes no We no yes no yes no

6 Put the sentences into the correct form(+ positive,-negative) +/Tony/usually/have/breakfast/morning -/we/normally/have/English lesson/Friday +/I/often/ help/my mother/kitchen -/I/often/drink/tea/evening - /Jane/usually/do/her homework/weekend + /They/like/Art and Games/school - /They/like/ Science and Physic + /Children/ride/a bicycle/spring - /Mark/ go/ the theatre +/Mark/go/sometimes/the cinema

7 Complete the sentences in the positive or negative form of present simple 1.+ I ______History. (like) 2.- We _____the musical instrument. (play) 3.- Ralph and his brother _____at half past six. (get up) 4.+ She _______her homework in the afternoon. (do) 5.- She _______her homework in the evening. (do) 6.- I _________ the bus to school. (take) 7.+ My friend _________ in the village. (live) 8.+ We ________ to school by car. (go) 9.- Mr. Jackson ________a violin lesson on Tuesday. (have) 10.+ Mrs. Green _______ a shower at night. (have)

8 Correct the sentences! 1.I like History. 2.We don´t play the musical instrument. 3.Ralph and his brother don´t get up at….. 4.She does her homework in the afternoon. 5.She doesn´t do her homewoek in the evening. 6.I don´t take the bus to school. 7.My friend lives in the village. 8.We go to school by car. 9.Mr. Jackson doesn´t have a violin lesson on… 10.Mrs. Green has a shower at night.

9 Look at the pictures and put the verbs in the correct form! X Yes Iplay We like He 6 : 15 6 : 30get up Youdo, play She go /take) They read,watch

10 Tell about your day! 1)6. 30 9) 20 : 00 2)7 : 00 10) 20 : 30 3)7 : 15 11) 21 : 15 4)7 : 30 12) 22 : 40 5)7 : 50 – 14 : 00 6)15 : 00 – 17 : 30 7)18 : 10 8)18 : 45

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