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DIANA NARVÁEZ Hlavní město Ekv. Je Quito nacházející se v horách Ekv se dělí na 4 časti: Amazonie, Hory, Přimoří a Galapágy V Ekv. Žije 12´646.025.

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4 Hlavní město Ekv. Je Quito nacházející se v horách Ekv se dělí na 4 časti: Amazonie, Hory, Přimoří a Galapágy V Ekv. Žije 12´646.025 lidí Ekv je jeden z nejdůležitějših produncentů vývozců banánů 6310 m značí nejvyšší horu Chimborazo Cotopaxi se svojí výškou 5897 m je nejvyšší akční sopkou světě. V Ekv a na nejnavštěvovanějších ostrovech světa se nacházejí nejunikátnější roštiny a zvířata

5 Ecuador is the smallest of the Andean countries, and in many ways, it is the easiest and most pleasant to travel in. From the beautifully preserved colonial capital of Quito, in the highland at 2850 m above sea level. The most important cities are: Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Machala Quito and Cuenca have been declared by UNESCO as Cultural Heritage Sites. Ecuador is a land of contrasts in a relatively small geographical space. From the Andean highlands travel through the “Avenue of the Volcanoes” to the coastal plains with lovely beaches. The Amazon jungle is an explorative adventure in the rainforest. In the Pacific the enchanting Galapagos Islands will captive you.

6 Ecuador is located exactly in the middle of the world with a climate that is tropical and temperate and 365 days of sun every year. The highlands is dominated by magnificent volcanoes, including Cotopaxi, which is at 5897 m is one of the highest aktive volcanoes in the world

7 The Galapagos Islands are located in a remote corner of the Pacific Ocean 600 miles from the Ecuadorian coast. This archipelago dates back 6 million years and is composed of 13 main islands and 56 inlets. The land and marine species of the Galapagos Islands exist only here and nowhere else on earth. A visit to the Galapagos Islands is an experience you will never forget.


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