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Název projektu: Digitalizace výuky oboru Kosmetické služby

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Prezentace na téma: "Název projektu: Digitalizace výuky oboru Kosmetické služby"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Název projektu: Digitalizace výuky oboru Kosmetické služby
Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Škola: Soukromá střední odborná škola Břeclav, s.r.o., Mládežnická 3, Břeclav Předmět: Anglický jazyk Ročník: 3. Téma: Britské svátky a tradice Tematický okruh: Svátky a tradice Jméno autora: Jana Adámková Datum tvorby: Kód materiálu: OPVK_1.5_DUM_III/2_ANJ 01 AD Soubor: VYSTUPY/VY_32_inovace_ANJ 01 AD Anotace: výukový materiál je určen k osvojení teoretických znalostí o britských svátcích a tradicích

2 British Holidays and Festivals
British Holidays and Traditions

3 Christmas St. Valentine‘s Day Easter Halloween Guy Fawkes Night

4 Christmas celebrated on the 25th December ( Christmas Day )
families eat huge roast turkey with some vegetables for dinner christmas pudding is served for a dessert presents are given by Father Christmas when everyone is asleep children open their presents in the morning

5 Christmas crackers typical British decoration
paper tubes that look like sweets must be pulled by a person on each end to open contain a paper crown, a joke or a little souvenir

6 St. Valentine‘s Day celebrated on the 14th February the day of romance
people exchange cards, flowers, candies or gifts with their ‘valentine‘

7 Easter in March or in April people decorate Easter eggs
the Easter rabbit brings the eggs and hides them in the garden Egg Hunt-the kids have to run around the garden with baskets looking for these eggs

8 Halloween celebrated on the 31st October
children wear scary costumes and masks, such as witches, ghosts, pirates, or vampires they go around their neirborhood and shout ‘trick or treat ? ‘ they get sweets or candy, ‘a treat ‘ if they don‘t get any, they may play a trick ‘

9 Guy Fawkes Night celebrated on the 5th November
a celebration of the failed plot by Guy Fawkes to blow up the parliament also called ‘bonfire night‘ people burn fires, and send fireworks into the sky bonfire baked potatoes and apples covered in toffee are eaten

10 Match the names of festivals with the right expresions.
Halloween a) red roses Christmas b) jack-o-lantern St.Valentine‘s Day c) bonfires Easter d) hot cross buns Guy Fawkes Night e) carols

11 Zdroje: www.helpforenglish ADVANCED CONVERSATION PRACTICE, Jarmila Fictumová, John Cccarelli, Tony Long

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