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Conjunctions and Linking Words Spojky a spojovací výrazy.

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1 Conjunctions and Linking Words Spojky a spojovací výrazy

2 Why are they important? Pomáhají logicky uspořádat text Jsou důležité pro strukturu textu V odbornějších textech výrazně napomáhají srozumitelnosti Spojují myšlenky

3 Coordinators - Spojky souřadící And - a, i; někdy může znamenat také a pak, a tak … Harry drives car and he rides a bike. Harry rides a bike and drives a car. - jednotlivé věty souvětí se mohou řadit libovolně, význam zůstává stejný ALE: Sally has got up and prepared coffee. NE: Sally has prepared coffee and got up. (Předpokládáme, že nejdříve vstala a (pak) připravila kávu.) Or - nebo, či - označuje alternativy Claire might go to London or stay at home. But - ale, avšak; kromě - vyjadřuje kontrast Tom called me yesterday but he didn’t say anything important. Everybody but Chris likes the new teacher.

4 Time conjunctions Časové spojky When: Karen was talking on the phone when the police came. As: I met Laura as I was walking down the street While: While the children played, the parents had some tea. After: What would you like to do after you finish university? Before: You shouldn’t leave the room before the exam is over Until: Please wait until the software is updated. * Všimněte si, že po časových spojkách následuje přítomný čas, if když význam je v budoucnosti.

5 Causal conjunctions Příčinné spojky Because: I don’t like cleaning because it’s boring. Since: Since there is no more staff, we can’t organize the course. For: Children are distracted for their parents don’t dedicate them enough time. As: As she didn’t study much, Cathrine didn’t pass the exam. *POZOR! Pořadí vět v souvětí závisí na logickém členění věty. Vždy si ujasnětě, co byla příčina a co důsledek. ?? I didn’t go on holiday because I was ill. OR I was ill because I didn’t go on holiday. ??

6 Concession conjunctions Přípustkové spojky Although: Although painting has always interested me, I didn’t take that course. Though: I continued playing, though I was hurt. Even though: Even though he is a good physicist, nobody buys his books. While: Peter does all sorts of activities while he should focus on programming. Whereas: The young prefer chat whereas the elderly stick to phone calls. *POZOR! Pořadí vět v souvětí závisí na logickém členění věty. Vždy si ujasnětě, co připouštíte.

7 Conditions Podmínky If: If Johny didn’t drink too much alcohol, he would remember more details. Unless: I’m not free tomorrow unless they change my schedule. In case: Call me in case you have some troubles. * Všimněte si, že po podmínkových spojkách následuje přítomný čas, i když význam je v budoucnosti.

8 Linking words - Addition Přidávání informací Moreover, I will deal with home violence in this article. In addition to proteins, your diet should also be rich in vitamins. Furthermore, these problems are often caused by lack of information.

9 Opposition & Contrasting Ideas Protikladná vyjádření Cities are very noisy. But on the other hand, it is easier to get a job there. Nuclear energy, however, presents serious risks. Nevertheless, it is also the most efficient source of energy. In spite of being very expensive, the new BMW is very popular.

10 Listing & Sequencing Ideas Výčet a řazení myšlenek Firstly, you should try to guess the meaning of the word, secondly you may look it up in a dictionary. Finally, we have signed the contract. The most important industries in our country are for instance the chemical industry, the car industry etc.

11 Giving result Sdělování výsledku Your communication skills are outstanding, therefore we can give you this position. As a result, she has got the job. Tomorrow there is a teachers’ strike. Consequently, most of the schools will be closed.

12 Summarizing Shrnutí To conclude, this meeting has been extremely successful. To sum up, advertisements should attract people’s attention and their message should be clear. All in all, Peter is just a poor guy.

13 Tips how to link your ideas Learn the new words gradually, start with the easiest. There are lots of synonyms - choose your favourite expression. Look for linking words in texts you read, notice which ones are used more often by your teacher. Nová slovíčka se učte postupně, začněte s těmi nejjednodušími. Z množství synonym si vyberte vždy jeden oblíbený výraz. Hledejte spojovací výrazy v textech, které čtete, všímejte si, kteté z nich nejčastěji používá váš učitel.

14 Links to linking words Odkazy na spojovací výrazy ng_LL/index.html ng_LL/index.html - also contains exercises to practice using linking words

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