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Anotace DUM na téma „Reported speech“ má za cíl seznámit žáky s pravidly o používání nepřímé řeči v angličtině a zároveň tuto látku procvičit. V první.

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Prezentace na téma: "Anotace DUM na téma „Reported speech“ má za cíl seznámit žáky s pravidly o používání nepřímé řeči v angličtině a zároveň tuto látku procvičit. V první."— Transkript prezentace:


2 Anotace DUM na téma „Reported speech“ má za cíl seznámit žáky s pravidly o používání nepřímé řeči v angličtině a zároveň tuto látku procvičit. V první části prezentace (slide č.4, 5) učitel žákům vysvětlí pravidla. Ta si ihned žáci procvičí v příkladových větách převáděním řeči nepřímé do řeči přímé (slide č.6, 7). K tomu mohou žáci nebo učitel využít digitální pero. Dále DUM obsahuje pravidla používání sloves say / tell (slide č.8, 9, 10). Následuje test formou překladu z Čj do Aj a správné řešení. Lze zadat jako samostatnou práci. DUM je určen žákům 1.-2. ročníku čtyřletého, popř. víceletého gymnázia, úroveň Elementary / Preintermediate. Materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce.


4 My mother says (that) I am never happy. -if the verb of the main sentence is in the present, there is no change of tense for the reported speech He said (that) he was learning Spanish now. -if the main verb is in the past, the verb in the reported speech usually moves „one tense back“ (to the past)

5 Direct speech Reported speech present simple → past simple present continuous → past continuous past simple → past perfect present perfect → past perfect will → would can → could

6 Practice – change these sentences from reported speech into direct speech: 1.Mark said he had just given up his job. ´´I´ve just given up my job.“ 2.She told me she could speak perfect French. ´´I can speak perfect French.“ 3.Tom said he would call me back in a minute. ´´I´ll call you back in a minute.“ 4.Mary told John they could try to live together. ´´John, we can try to live together.“

7 5.He said I was wearing a really cool jacket. ´´ You are wearing a really cool jacket!“ 6.John thought his wallet had been stolen. ´´I think my wallet has been stolen.“ 7.I told him I attended dancing lessons. ´´ I attend dancing lessons.“ 8.She thought her son would go to university. ´´ I think my son will go to university.“ 9.They told me they had just bought a new PC. ´´We have just bought a new PC.“ 10.My parents said they were going on holiday to Greece next month. ´´ We are going on holiday to Greece next month.“

8 Say and tell -similar meaning, different use ! He told me you were angry with him. I didn´t tell anybody that she had been absent. She said she would come at 5 p.m. The doctor said I should take it twice a day. -the rule is – say st. X tell sb.

9 Tell / ask + object + to do st. = reported commands (orders, requests) ´´Come here!“ → He told me to come there. ´´Don´t say that, please!“→ He asked me not to say that. ´´Will you help me?“→ She asked me to help her. ´´Slow down!“ → They told me to slow down.

10 !!! If you report something which is still true or if it is a general fact, it is not necessary to change the verb. However it is also correct if you change it. Jim said that London is much busier than Prague. They told us they come from Germany.

11 Test yourself – translate to English: 1.Alice mi řekla, že přijdeš zítra. 2.Požádali mě, abych jim pohlídala kufry. 3.Říkal, že tady bydlíte už pět let. 4.Studenti věřili, že všichni udělají maturitu. 5.Učitel mu řekl, aby byl zticha a zopakoval si slovíčka. 6.Myslel si, že si umí opravit sám auto. 7.Kate mi řekla, že právě čeká na výsledky testů. 8.Mike požádal Mary, aby neodcházela. 9.Říkali, že se zasnoubili před osmi lety. 10.Myslela si, že se jí něco zdá. 11.Řekla jim, že se jí právě stalo něco hrozného. 12.Rodiče dětem slíbili, že je vezmou příští rok k moři.

12 Key to the test 1.Alice told me you would come tomorrow. 2.They asked me to keep an eye on their suitcases. 3.He said you had been living here for five years. 4.Students believed they all would pass the leaving exam. 5.The teacher told him to be quiet and repeat the vocabulary. 6.He thought he could fix his car himself. 7.Kate told me she was just waiting for the tests´results. 8.Mike asked Mary not to leave. 9.They said they had got married eight years ago. 10.She thought that she was dreaming about something. 11.She told them something terrible had just happened to her. 12.Parents promised their kids they would take them to the sea next year.

13 Použité zdroje: archiv autorky

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