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NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2 O 18 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:

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Prezentace na téma: "NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2 O 18 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2 O 18 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2976

2 Anotace: o Prezentace je určena k zopakování a shrnutí učiva o stupňování přídavných jmen, a to pravidelných, nepravidelných i víceslabičných. o Nejdříve si žáci prostřednictvím tabulky zopakují učivo o stupňování přídavných jmen a uvědomí si jednotlivé odlišnosti. o Následuje procvičení jednotlivých stupňů přídavných jmen všech výše uvedených typů (ve třech tabulkách). o Potom mohou děti procvičit pravopis jednotlivých stupňů přídavných jmen všech typů psaním fixou do tabulek na tabuli, event. do sešitů. Není nutné procvičit všechna přídavná jména ve všech tabulkách v jedné vyučovací hodině. Naopak je lepší si učivo rozdělit do více vyučovacích hodin a využít tak možnosti opakování. o Tabulky na vyplnění je možno také použít k opakování učiva nebo k soutěžím ve skupinách. o Dále žáci procvičují stupňování příd. jmen ve cvičení, kde vybírají správnou možnost z několika navržených. o V dalších 4 snímcích děti podle obrázků čtyř dívek tvoří věty s uvedenými přídavnými jmény a dávají je do správných tvarů. o V poslední části následuje kvíz na procvičení 2. a 3. stupně příd. jmen. o

3 Lenka Kulhavá

4 COMPARATIVES, SUPERLATIVES: MORE SYLLABLE ADJECTIVES: REGULAR: - er, - est near – nearer – the nearest warm – warmer – the warmest cold – colder – the coldest IRREGULAR: far – further – the furthest good – better – the best bad – worse – the worst little – less – the least much – more – the most SHORT VOWEL-CONSONANT: big – bigger – the biggest wet – wetter – the wettest -e ENDING: nice – nicer – the nicest -y ENDING: easy – easier – the easiest dry – drier – the driest We use more or most when the adjective has got two or more syllables except when the second syllable ends in –y (happy – happier – the happiest): intelligent – more intelligent – the most intelligent beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

5 ADJECTIVES COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES talltallerthe tallest heavyheavierthe heaviest fastfasterthe fastest wetwetterthe wettest hothotterthe hottest widewiderthe widest oldolderthe oldest highhigherthe highest longlongerthe longest shortshorterthe shortest smallsmallerthe smallest bigbiggerthe biggest slowslowerthe slowest cheapcheaperthe cheapest lightlighterthe lightest nicenicerthe nicest

6 ADJECTIVES COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES talltallerthe tallest heavyheavierthe heaviest fastfasterthe fastest wetwetterthe wettest hothotterthe hottest widewiderthe widest oldolderthe oldest highhigherthe highest longlongerthe longest shortshorterthe shortest smallsmallerthe smallest bigbiggerthe biggest slowslowerthe slowest cheapcheaperthe cheapest lightlighterthe lightest nicenicerthe nicest

7 ADJECTIVES COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES drydrierthe driest easy the easiest flatflatterthe flattest coldcolderthe coldest farfurtherthe furthest goodbetterthe best badworsethe worst largelargerthe largest youngyoungerthe youngest newnewerthe newest bravebraverthe bravest cloudycloudierthe cloudiest thinthinnerthe thinnest deepdeeperthe deepest redredderthe reddest quickquickerthe quickest

8 ADJECTIVES COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES expensivemore expensivethe most expensive dangerousmore dangerousthe most dangerous difficultmore difficultthe most difficult expensivemore expensivethe most expensive famousmore famousthe most famous miserablemore miserablethe most miserable gorgeousmore gorgeousthe most georgeous beautifulmore beautifulthe most beautiful intelligentmore intelligentthe most intelligent amazingmore amazingthe most amazing good-lookingbetter-lookingthe best-looking warmwarmerthe warmest coolcoolerthe coolest hillyhillierthe hilliest sunnysunnierthe sunniest nearnearerthe nearest

9 ADJECTIVES COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES tall heavy fast wet hot wide old high long short small big slow cheap light nice

10 ADJECTIVES COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES dry easy flat cold far good bad large young new brave cloudy thin deep red quick

11 ADJECTIVES COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES expensive dangerous difficult expensive famous miserable gorgeous beautiful intelligent amazing good-looking warm cool hilly sunny near

12 What is the superlative of "ugly"? a) uglier b) uggliest c) uglyest d) ugliest What is the comparative of "destructive"? a) destructiver b) more destructive c) destructivier d) more destructiver What is the superlative of "soft"? a) softest b) softiest c) softtest d) most soft What is the comparative of "sad"? a) sader b) sadder c) sadier d) saddier What is the superlative of "unpleasant"? a) unpleasant b) most unpleasant c) more unpleasant d) unpleasantest COMPARATIVES OR SUPERLATIVES

13 What is the comparative of "heat"? a) heater b) heatter c) heatier d) hetter e) none of these What is the superlative of "small"? a) smallier b) smaller c) smalliest d) smallest What is the comparative of "lively"? a) livelyer b) more livelyer c) livelier d) more livelier What is the superlative of "deep"? a) deeper b) deepper c) deepest d) deeppest What is the comparative of "hot"? a) hoter b) hotter c) hotest d) hottest


15 AGE: 20 AGE: 21 AGE:25 AGE: 30 HEIGHT: 1.65 HEIGHT: 1.67 HEIGHT: 1.70 HEIGHT: 1.68 WEIGHT: 54 Kg WEIGHT: 50 Kg WEIGHT: 55 Kg WEIGHT: 55 Kg SALARY:1000$ SALARY:1200$ SALARY:2000$ SALARY:2000$ 1. Laura's hair is ……………..Hanna's, but Rachel's hair is …………...(long) 2. Hanna is …………….Greta, but Laura is............... of the girls. (young) 3. Rachel earns ………………Greta. (much) 4. Greta is ……………….Laura, but Rachel is ………………of the girls. (tall) 5. Laura is …………….Greta, but Hanna is ………………..(light) LAURAHANNARACHELGRETA

16 6. Rachel's eyes are …….....Greta's, but Hanna's eyes are ………… (big) 7. Greta looks …………. Laura, but Hanna seems to be …………. (happy) 8. Greta's clothes are …Hanna's clothes, but Rachel's clothes are…..(expensive) 9. Greta is ………Hanna, but Laura is …….. of the girls. (fashionable) 10. Hanna's salary is……. Rachel's, but Laura's salary is…….. (low) LAURAHANNA RACHEL GRETA AGE: 20 AGE: 21 AGE:25 AGE: 30 HEIGHT: 1.65 HEIGHT: 1.67 HEIGHT: 1.70 HEIGHT: 1.68 WEIGHT: 54 Kg WEIGHT: 50 Kg WEIGHT: 55 Kg WEIGHT: 55 Kg SALARY:1000$ SALARY:1200$ SALARY:2000$ SALARY:2000$

17 AGE: 20 AGE: 21 AGE:25 AGE: 30 HEIGHT: 1.65 HEIGHT: 1.67 HEIGHT: 1.70 HEIGHT: 1.68 WEIGHT: 54 Kg WEIGHT: 50 Kg WEIGHT: 55 Kg WEIGHT: 55 Kg SALARY:1000$ SALARY:1200$ SALARY:2000$ SALARY:2000$ 11. Laura's salary is …………. Hanna's. (low) 12. Laura's salary is ………. (bad) 13. Laura is ………… Hanna, but Rachel is ………. of the girls. (beautiful) 14. Rachel is ……. Hanna, but she isn´t…………. Greta. (old) 15. Hanna is ……….. Laura, but Rachel is………….(friendly) LAURAHANNARACHELGRETA

18 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE QUIZ Q1 - It's better ____ I thought. as then than like Q2 - Brazil is _____ England. biger than bigger as bigger than biger as Q3 - She is _____ in the class the best best better than as good as Q4 - I'm not as successful ___ she is. as like than then Q5 - It was ______ expensive restaurant I've ever been to. more the more most the most Q6 - I'd like some ____ information. farther further Q7 - It's ____ art collection in Europe. finer finest the finer the finest Q8 - It was ____ than I was expecting. cheaper cheapest Q9 - This is the ______ kitchen I've ever seen. dirtyest dirtiest Q10 - Which is ____ of the two? more difficult most difficult Q11 - She finished ____ than everyone else. more quickly quicker Q12 - The underground is ____ buses. more expensive most expensive the most expensive more expensive than Q13 - The plane would be _____ than the coach. more quickly quicker Q14 - It was ____ test I have ever done. the most hard the hardest Q15 - There were ____ people at the game than expected. most more many Q16 - The _____ difficult thing was communication. more most

19 Použité zdroje: COMPARATIVES OR SUPERLATIVES: Comparatives and Superlatives 1. [online]. 1998 [cit. 2012-01-19]. Dostupné z: LAURA, HANNA, RACHEL, GRETA: COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE. [online]. 2012 [cit. 2012-01-19]. Dostupné z: COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVE QUIZ: Printable Handout: Comparatives and Superlatives. [online]. 2011 [cit. 2012-01- 19]. Dostupné z:

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