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Edu.Region learning platform ideas. Edu.Region learning platform General questions – which platform? e.g. - license needed

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Prezentace na téma: "Edu.Region learning platform ideas. Edu.Region learning platform General questions – which platform? e.g. - license needed"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Edu.Region learning platform ideas

2 Edu.Region learning platform General questions – which platform? e.g. - license needed – requirements of the platforms – guided x on student‘s choice? – types of exercises

3 Edu.Region learning platform suggestions of companies (LAK study) – better basic skills training (reading, writing, calculating) – better applications (improve comptence to search for information about the company) – more practically orientated training (train typical job situations – „roleplays“) – improve logical reasoning – improve general comprehension of economic processes – improve knowledge about current trends, political and economic developments – improve team skills – motivate more students to start apprenticeship – improve reputation of apprenticeships – gender aspects ? cross-border focus

4 Edu.Region learning platform business administration introduce companies, organizations, job descriptions labour market social system trade fairs business administration introduce companies, organizations, job descriptions labour market social system trade fairs contemporary culture Jihlava St. Pölten contemporary culture Jihlava St. Pölten geography public transport cities sights geography public transport cities sights CLIL dictionary … …

5 Teacher‘s information: Public transport Description: Students search for information about the public transport system in the neighbouring regions by using the internet. Interdisciplinary link: geography, business administration Key kompetences: 1) research skills Outputs: gather information about public transport system in the border regions Key words: public transport, orientation

6 Student‘s page: Public transport Du arbeitest für eine Firma, die ihre Geschäftspartner in Prag besucht. Dein Chef wird von Wien aus mit dem Zug fahren und muss um 17 Uhr zur Besprechung auf dem Karlovo náměstí sein. 1)Suche ihm eine Zugverbindung heraus. 2)Wie kommt er vom Bahnhof in Prag zum Karlovo náměstí? Suche ihm noch eine Verbindung mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln heraus.

7 Student‘s page: Public transport Was hast du herausgefunden? 1)Wie lange fährt man von Wien bis Prag mit dem Zug? a)mindestens 3 Stunden b)mindestens 4 Stunden c)mindestens 5 Stunden 2) Wie viel kostet die Fahrt für einen Erwachsenen mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln vom Bahnhof zum Karlovo náměstí? a)24 kč b)36 kč c)52 kč

8 Student‘s page: Public transport Pracuješ pro firmu, která plánuje návštěvu obchodního partnera ve Vídni. Vedoucí chce jet vlakem z Jihlavy do Vídně. Jednání začíná v 17 hod. v Rotenturmstraße. 1)Najdi pro něho vlakové spojení. 2)Jak se dostane od nádraží ve Vídni do Rotenturmstraße? Najdi ještě spojení MHD.

9 Student‘s page: Public transport Jaké informace jsi našel/našla? Jak dlouho jede vlakem od Jihlavy do Vídně? a)min. 3 hodiny b)min. 4 hodiny c)min. 5 hodiny 2) Kolik stojí jízdenku pro dospělé ve Vídni? a)1,10 € b)1,20 € c)1,80 €

10 Student‘s page: Public transport Correction loops: correct answer: well done… wrong answer 1: Sorry, that‘s wrong. Have a look to www. … wrong answer 2: Sorry, that‘s wrong. The correct answer is…

11 Types of exercises open exercises, semi-open exerices and closed exerices

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