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Prezentace se nahrává, počkejte prosím

Datum: 3.3.2013 Projekt: Kvalitní výuka Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0731 Číslo DUM: VY_22_INOVACE_9 Jméno autora: Irena Moučková Název práce:

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Prezentace na téma: "Datum: 3.3.2013 Projekt: Kvalitní výuka Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0731 Číslo DUM: VY_22_INOVACE_9 Jméno autora: Irena Moučková Název práce:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Datum: 3.3.2013 Projekt: Kvalitní výuka Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0731 Číslo DUM: VY_22_INOVACE_9 Jméno autora: Irena Moučková Název práce: In a shop - dialogue Předmět: anglický jazyk Ročník: 1 Časová dotace: 30 minut Vzdělávací cíl: Výukový materiál v powerpointu slouží k procvičení a zopakování slovní zásoby a frází z oblasti nakupování, včetně řešení, automatizují si vazby. Zároveň slouží k nácviku komunikativních schopností.V první části studenti doplňují chybějící výrazy do dialogu. V druhé části přiřazují k definicím výrazy z dialogu.Ve třetí části studenti ve dvojicích obměňují dialog ze cvičení 1.Ve čtvrté části kompletují fráze na základě odpovědí. Pomůcky: pracovní listy, psací potřeby Poznámka: Studenti pracují ve dvojicích. Inovace: zapojení audiovizuální techniky do výuky, rozvoj komunikačních schopností

2 1.Complete the dialogue with words from the box. 24.99 pounds,black, brother,jumper,jumpers, medium Shop assistant Can I help you? Julia I´m looking for a ………………….. Shop assistant The ……………………. are over there, near the changing rooms. Julia Ok. Thanks… This one´s nice. And it is in the sale! Have you got it in …………………? Shop assistant Yes. What size are you? Julia It isn´t for me. It is a present for my ……………….. He´s a ………………… I think. Shop assistant Here you are. Could you come over to the till, please? That´s …………. Julia Can I bring it back if it doesn´t fit? Shop assistant Sure. Just keep the receipt.

3 1. Find the words in the dialogue and match them with the definitions. In a shop,changing room,receipt, sale, size, till, to fit a) A time when a shop sells things for less money than usual…………………………. b) How big or small something is ………………………… c) The place in a shop where you pay for things ………………………………….. d) A place where you try on clothes …………………………………. e) The ticket you get when you buy something …………………………………… f) To be the right size …………………………..

4 2. Work in pairs. Practice reading the dialogue in exercise 1, using different words from the box to complete it. 1,2 – T-shirt(s), jacket(s), tracksuit(s) 3 – blue, green, yellow 4 – sister, boyfriend, cousin 5 – small, large, extra-large 6 – 15.95 pouds, 35 pounds, 19.50 pounds

5 3. Complete the sentences from the dialogue in a shop. a)………………………. are you? – Um, small, I think. b)……………………….. it in a 14? – I´ll just have a look. c) Can I try it on? – Of course. The ……………………………. are over there. d)…………………………….? – I´m afraid not. It is too small. e)…………………. is it? - It is 19.50 pounds. Here is your ……………………...

6 Solution: 1.Complete the dialogue with words from the box. 24.99 pounds,black, brother,jumper,jumpers, medium Shop assistant Can I help you? Julia I´m looking for a jumper. Shop assistant The jumpers are over there, near the changing rooms. Julia Ok. Thanks… This one´s nice. And it is in the sale! Have you got it in black ? Shop assistant Yes. What size are you? Julia It isn´t for me. It is a present for my brother. He´s a medium I think. Shop assistant Here you are. Could you come over to the till, please? That´s 24.99 pounds. Julia Can I bring it back if it doesn´t fit? Shop assistant Sure. Just keep the receipt. Find the words in the dialogue and match them with the definitions. In a shop,changing room,receipt, sale, size, till, to fit A time when a shop sells things for less money than usual - sale How big or small something is - size The place in a shop where you pay for things - till A place where you try on clothes- changing room The ticket you get when you buy something - receit To be the right size – to fit

7 Work in pairs. Practice reading the dialogue in exercise 1, using different words from the box to complete it. 1,2 – T-shirt(s), jacket(s), tracksuit(s) 3 – blue, green, yellow 4 – sister, boyfriend, cousin 5 – small, large, extra-large 6 – 15.95 pouds, 35 pounds, 19.50 pounds Complete the sentences from the dialogue in a shop. What size are you? – Um, small, I think. Have you got it in a 14? – I´ll just have a look. Can I try it on? – Of course. The changing rooms are over there. Does it fit you ? – I´m afraid not. It is too small. How much is it? - It is 19.50 pounds. Here is your receipt.

8 Použité zdroje: SOARZ, Liz and John: New Headway, Pre – intermediate, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, ISBN 978-0-19-471585-0. FALLA Tim,DAVIES Paul A: Maturita Solutions, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007,ISBN 978-0-190455169-4. MURPHY, Raymond: English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-521- 43680-X.

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