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Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_27_Sightseeing.

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Prezentace na téma: "Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_27_Sightseeing."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_27_Sightseeing NÁZEV: VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_27_Sightseeing Sightseeing TEMA: Sightseeing CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1529 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1529

2 Výukový materiál: EUPŠ _OP VK_Šrubařová_AJ2_28_Sightseeing Šablona:III/2 Sada:AJ2 Autor: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová Vytvořeno: Listopad 2012 Ověřeno: Ročník: 6 a výše Druh učebního materiálu: Prezentace Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Předmět: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Konverzace Téma:Sightseeing Anotace: Úvodní otázky – co je to seightseeing, co byste chtěli vidět, zůstali byste v ČR nebo jeli za hranice. 7 divů světa. Návštěva památek v Londýně a ve Velkých Karlovicích. Vzorový rozhovor v informačním centru. Poznámky:

3 Sightseeing Sightseeing in London Where to go What to see

4 Sightseeing Sightseeing is an activity when people go to see some interesting sights. Sights = something that is worth seeing. Sightseeing is an activity when people go to see some interesting sights. Sights = something that is worth seeing. Is there something that you would really, really like to see? Is there something that you would really, really like to see? Would you like to go abroad or stay in the Czech Republic? Would you like to go abroad or stay in the Czech Republic?

5 Sightseeing New seven wonders of the world New seven wonders of the world The Great Pyramid of Giza Colosseum in Rome The Great Wall of China Stonehenge The Leaning Tower of Pisa Taj Mahal Machu Picchu Do you know about 7 wonders of the world? What do you think is there? Víte o 7 divech světa? Co si myslíte, že do nich patří?

6 Sightseeing in London What kind of city is London? What kind of city is London? How many bridges are there in London? How many bridges are there in London? How big is London´s population? How big is London´s population? How can you travel around London? How can you travel around London? How many tourists come to London every year? How many tourists come to London every year? What can you see in London? What can you see in London? What is the most famous shop in London? What is the most famous shop in London? What is the name for street musicians? What is the name for street musicians? What can you do in parks? What can you do in parks? Read the questions, watch the video, answer the questions Přečtěte si otázky, podívejte se na video a odpovězte na otázky

7 Sightseeing in London What kind of city is London? Fascinating and exciting, with long history. What kind of city is London? Fascinating and exciting, with long history. How many bridges are there in London? 29 How many bridges are there in London? 29 How big is London´s population? Nearly 7 million How big is London´s population? Nearly 7 million How can you travel around London? By waterbus, by a red bus (doubledecker), black taxi or the underground or the Tube. How can you travel around London? By waterbus, by a red bus (doubledecker), black taxi or the underground or the Tube. How many tourists come to London every year? 20 million How many tourists come to London every year? 20 million What can you see in London? Palaces, churches, cathedrals, the Tower, Trafalgar Square and many museums and art galleries. What can you see in London? Palaces, churches, cathedrals, the Tower, Trafalgar Square and many museums and art galleries. What is the most famous shop in London? Harrods What is the most famous shop in London? Harrods What is the name for street musicians? Buskers What is the name for street musicians? Buskers What can you do in parks? Walk, jog, have a picnic, relax, get away from the noise. What can you do in parks? Walk, jog, have a picnic, relax, get away from the noise.

8 Sightseeing in Velké Karlovice Imagine that you are working in Tourist Information Center in Velké Karlovice and give the tourists some sightseeing advice. Imagine that you are working in Tourist Information Center in Velké Karlovice and give the tourists some sightseeing advice. Where to go, how to get there. Where to go, how to get there. Recommend a good acomodation and maybe also a good restaurant. Recommend a good acomodation and maybe also a good restaurant.

9 Sightseeing Example dialogue in a TIC – make your own dialogue Příklad – rozhovor v Informačním centru – vymyslete svůj rozhovor IC worker:Hello, can I help you? Tourist:Yes, do you have a map of the village? IC worker:Yes, we have. And I can also give you a free information booklet. Here you are. Tourist:Thank you. What could you recommend us? What interesting things can we see here? IC worker:Well, you should certainly see the wooden church. Then I would recommend our museum and there is also a small art gallery above the museum. Tourist:That sounds interesting. How can we get to the church? IC worker:When you go out of here you will turn left. Then go along the road and after about 200 meters there´s a cemetery and the church. Tourist:Is it open now? IC worker:Yes, it is open from 9 to 5. Tourist:Thank you very much. IC worker:You are welcome. Have a nice day.

10 Sightseeing Example dialogue in a TIC – fill the gaps Příklad – rozhovor v Informačním centru – doplňte vynechané věty IC worker:…………………………………… Tourist:Yes, do you have a map of the village? IC worker:…………………………………… Tourist:Thank you. What could you recommend us? What interesting things can we see here? IC worker: …………………………………… Tourist:That sounds interesting. How can we get to the church? IC worker: …………………………………… Tourist:Is it open now? IC worker: …………………………………… Tourist:Thank you very much. IC worker: ……………………………………

11 Sightseeing Použité zdroje: Použité zdroje:,_Italy_- _April_2007.jpg,_Italy_- _April_2007.jpg _2012%29.jpg _2012%29.jpg _Juin_2009_-_edit.jpg

Stáhnout ppt "Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_27_Sightseeing."

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