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Prezentace se nahrává, počkejte prosím

Magdalena Fabiánová Jana Troubilová Tereza Vaculíková Gymnázium Brno, t ř. Kpt. Jaroše 14.

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1 Magdalena Fabiánová Jana Troubilová Tereza Vaculíková Gymnázium Brno, t ř. Kpt. Jaroše 14

2  rupture – trhlina  hotspot – horká skvrna (oblast zvýšeného toku tepla v zemském plášti)  dormant – podřimující  Ring of fire – Ohnivý prstenec  to submerge – zaplavit  spillage - vylití, rozlití  inundation - zátopa, zaplavení  watercourse - vodní tok  column - sloupec, sloup  engender - vyskytovat se, vznikat

3  Shake which is caused by realasing energy  Ring of Fire  Earthquakes:  According to the depth of the focus: shallow, middle-deep, deep  According to its cause: discruptive, volcanic, tectonic  Richter scale, seismic waves  The most destructive earthquake:  Sumatra, Indonesia 2004  Thian Shan, China 1976  Haiti 2010  Japan, New Zealand 2011

4  Rupture  Hotspots  Blocked magma  Different types of volcanoes  500 active volcanoes, about 50 of them erupt every year. Ring of Fire: two-thirds  Nevados Ojos del Salado (6893ms), Mauna Kea (4206ms)- 5000 ms under the sea level in addition  Vesuvius, Santorini, Mount Etna, Hekla, Stromboli


6  Tsu = harbor, nami = wave  Occurence  Wavelength:150-300 km, speed: 800 km/h  Warning systems  Japan – USA (18h)  PTWC (Pacifik Tsunami Warning Center)  Megatunamis  The most destructive tsunamis  Lisabon earthquake 1755, Krakatoa 1883, Chile 1960  26.12. 2004 southeast coast of Asia – over 300 000 dead

7  Causes of floods:  Flash flood  Inundation  Dividing of floods:  Natural floods  Special floods  Levels of flood activity:  First level  Second level  Third level  Danger of floods round the world  A prevention Asia - river Ganges and Brahmaputra The Netherlands

8  tronada = a storm, tornar = to rotate  a wind speed between 180 and 360 kilometres per hour  South America – the most tornadoes  18 March 1925 Tri – state tornado  June 1957 town Fargo, North Dakota  Tornadoes in the Czech  strength F2 (mostly)  five times per year  1993 Spálené Poříčí (a region of Plzeň), strength F2  2004 Litovel, strength F3

9  The natural disaster is something which can not be influenced by a human in any way. It is an act of the nature. We can only try to reduce a human tragedies and economic losses. Our humanitarian efforts like charities are very important and creditable for those, who were affected.

10          7&str=clanek    

11 Thank you for your attention

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