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The United States of America Basic information Prepared by Jana Bártová.

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1 The United States of America Basic information Prepared by Jana Bártová

2 What is the capital city of the USA? What is the largest city? How many states do the USA consist of? Which two states do not lie on the continent?

3 The capital city is Washington, D.C. The largest city is New York. The USA consist of 50 states. The two states which do not lie on the American continent are Alaska and Hawaii

4 American flag How many stripes can you see on the flag? Why? 13 – the number of original states How many stars can you see? Why? 50 – all states

5 The most famous American States: Alaska Arizona California Florida Hawaii Mississippi Texas Virginia

6 Alaska The largest state Beautiful countryside – mountains People live in villages Rare animals

7 Arizona Desert landscape Grand Canyon – one of the 7 wonders of the world Colorado River Meteor Crater

8 California The most populous state Big cities: LA (Hollywood), San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Sacramento, Long Beach Death Valley National parks - Yosemite

9 F Florida Situated on peninsula Tropical climate – many hurricanes Big cities – Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa Bay, Orlando Kennedy Space Center

10 Hawaii The newest state Attack on Pearl Harbor Festival: Luau music (ukulele) hula (traditional dance)

11 Mississippi symbols: cotton, catfish and magnolia tree Music tradition: Jazz, blues, gospel, country, rock and roll Ku Klux Klan

12 Texas Prairies, deserts, grassland Agriculture – cattle Symbol – cowboy Big cities – Houston, Dallas – Fort Worth, Austin

13 Virginia Nickname: Old Dominion Famous town: Jamestown Story of Pocahontas and John Smith

14 Political system – Democratic republic Constitution Legislative branch Executive branch Judicial branch What are the two main political parties? Republican Party Democratic Party

15 History Indians 1492 – first Europeans – Spanish (Columbus) 17 th century – many colonists (British, French, German, Dutch, Irish…) and slaves from Africa 1775-1783 – The War of Independence 1861-1865 – Civil War (North x South) 20 th century – leading power

16 Sports Ice hockey – NHL Basketball – NBA

17 Tennis Swimming Rugby American football Many others…

18 Famous people Martin Luther King fYs fYs Mark Twain – writer Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

19 Steven Spielberg – director Tom Hanks – actor Madonna - singer

20 Holidays: Look at these pictures and name typical American holidays: Thanksgiving Every 4 th Tuesday in November

21 St. Valentine’s Day 14 th February Independence day 4 th July

22 Typically American: Drive a car at the age of 16 Love hamburgers Drive-in Shop till you drop Keep smiling and look positive

23 Questions: 1.What is the official title of the USA? 2.What is the capital city? 3.What does the American Flag look like? 4.Which is the largest state of the USA? 5.Which is one of the oldest state of the USA? 6.Which is the newest state of the USA? 7.Where can you see Grand Canyon?

24 Questions: 8.What is hula? 9.What state is the cradle of jazz music? 10.What are the two main political parties? 11.When was the War of Independence? 12.When was the Civil War 13.Who was Martin Luther King? 14.What are typical American Holidays?

25 Answers: 1.The United States of America 2.Washington, D.C. 3.13 stripes (red and white) and 50 stars (white in blue background) 4.Alaska 5.Virginia 6.Hawaii 7.Arizona 8.Hawaiian dance 9.Mississippi 10.Republican and Democratic 11.1775-1783 12.1861-1865 13.Politician 14.Thanksgiving, St. Valentine’s day, Independence Day

26 Sources Thanks for your kind attention

27 Projekt OP VK 1.4 60799081 Metodický list INFORMACE O AUTOROVI Jméno a příjmení: Jana Bártová Kontakt:skola@butovice.czTel.: 556400364 Škola:ZŠ Studénka, Butovická 346, okres Nový Jičín Adresa:Butovická 346, Studénka 742 13 Číslo klíčové aktivity:III/2 Název klíčové aktivity:Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Sada:D5 PŘEDMĚT A C Í L HODINY Tematický celek: Spojené státy americké Třída:9.AB Cíl klíčové aktivity : Získat základní informace o reáliích USA Oborové cíle klíčové aktivity: Žák si rozšíří znalosti získané na hodinách zeměpisu o Spojených státech amerických a naučí se získané vyjadřovat anglicky Klíčové kompetence: Komunikativní, k učení Kompetenční cíle: K učení – propojuje různé informace v širších souvislostech, vyvozuje poznatky z učení a obhajuje je Komunikativní – dodržuje pravidla diskuze, získává informace v anglickém jazyce a zapojuje se do diskuze v cizím jazyce – formuluje své myšlenky a co nejsrozumitelněji je za pomocí vyučujícího prezentuje Časový odhad:45 minut

28 Zdroje:Odehnalova,J.: Reading about English Speaking Countries. Praha, rok neuveden Vlastní obrázky 8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enCZ261CZ264&q=obr%c3%a1zky&gs_upl=0l0l0l4578lllllllllll0&aqi=g4#pq=obr%C3%A1zky&hl=cs&cp=16&gs_id=u&xhr=t&q=obr%C3%A1zky+USA+ma pa&pf=p&sclient=psy- ab&rlz=1T4SKPB_enCZ261CZ264&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=obr%C3%A1zky+USA+mapa&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=e6bb7bd 9caf8aecb&biw=1280&bih=586 usa.gif&imgrefurl= BUSA%2Bmapa%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=obr%C3%A1zky+USA+mapa&docid=T_rOfAL_uYc7_M&hl=cs&sa=X&ei=SgH6TtfIAYOk4ASKlcWNCA&sqi=2 &ved=0CDMQ9QEwAw&dur=157 =6cX6Tpq7JsyyhAfjoIXLAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CH8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=547 =6cX6Tpq7JsyyhAfjoIXLAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CH8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=547#hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4SKPB_enCZ261CZ264&site=webhp&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=usa+s wimming&oq=usa+swimming&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=95078l99063l0l100125l12l12l0l2l2l0l359l2218l0.2.3.3l8l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1a44ea cc70de9113&biw=1280&bih=547 =6cX6Tpq7JsyyhAfjoIXLAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CH8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=547#hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4SKPB_enCZ261CZ264&site=webhp&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=usa+r ugby&oq=usa+rugby&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=118406l119593l2l120781l5l4l0l2l2l0l375l579l2- 1.1l2l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1a44eacc70de9113&biw=1280&bih=547,_Jr,_Jr.'s_Day Materiály a potřebné pomůcky: Presentace Dataprojektor či interaktivní tabule Počítač Plátno či bílá tabule Mapy Spojených států amerických Velká nástěnná mapa Požadované vstupní znalosti žáků: Jakékoli informace o Spojených státech amerických

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