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SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EASTER IN ENGLAND Autor: Miroslava Sedlmajerová.

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Prezentace na téma: "SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EASTER IN ENGLAND Autor: Miroslava Sedlmajerová."— Transkript prezentace:

1 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EASTER IN ENGLAND Autor: Miroslava Sedlmajerová

2 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 Tematický okruhHolidays and Festive Days AnotacePro studenty II. a III. ročníku obor Ekonomické lyceum, Technické lyceum, Obchodní akademie a Stavební průmyslová škola. Prezentace předkládá učivo o Velikonocích interaktivní a zábavnou formou. Metodický pokynPrezentace je určena k načerpání znalostí o oslavách Velikonoc v Anglii. Před použitím je třeba zkontrolovat platnost webových stránek, obsažených v prezentaci. Druh materiáluprezentace Datum tvorby25. 2. 2013 Číslo materiáluVY_32_INOVACE_Sd_12 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 2

3 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 3 MARCH, APRIL Easter is originally a religious holiday. The holiday is probably named after the Anglo - Saxon goddess ( female god ) of dawn and spring - Eostre. The date of Easter isn´t fixed because it always happens after the first spring full moon. Easter celebrations start on Good Friday, when Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Churches are decorated with flowers where special servises are held. On Easter Sunday people commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from his death. Worship services and parades start as early as at sunrise. The celebrations include Easter Monday, which is unlike Good Friday and Easter Sunday connected with lots of secular customs. As Good Friday and Easter Monday are bank holidays, people have a longer weekend.

4 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 4 EASTER symbol s

5 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 5 Besides eggs hot cross buns, special Easter pastries, are baked on Good Friday in each family in Britain. They are flavoured with dried fruit and decorated with a cross to remember that Jesus Christ was crucified on that day. Religious people fast during the period of Lent, it means that they give up a lot of different foods and drinks for the whole forty days. On Easter Sunday they return to their normal diet. Some people fast because of their health, which is good after the winter months, when people might have put on weight. Easter means the beginning of spring, the time of fun, traditions and celebrations. Winter finishes and people enjoy longer and warmer days. Before the Easter days children and adults decorate eggs, which are symbols of fertility and new life.

6 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 6 The holiday is represented by the Easter Bunny, which is an imaginary rabbit. Other Easter animals are chicks and lambs. Children look forward to Easter because the rabbit comes with an Easter basket full of chocolate eggs. The eggs are filled with sweet cream. The Easter Bunny visits children´s homes while they are sleeping and hides the eggs in the house or in the garden. Next morning children start Egg Hunting. They wake up early morning and look for their reward - either chocolate eggs or small presents. A big chocolate egg with smaller ones inside Easter and children lambchick

7 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 7 Easter Egg Rolling People put decorated eggs on top of a hill and let them roll down. The first one to reach the foot of the hill is the winner. Morris Dancers perform on Easter Sunday in many parts of Britain. These dances are very old and are supposed to frighten away the winter spirits. They wear white shirts, black trousers and red sashes. Their hats are decorated with red and green ribbons and little bells. Easter Bonnets is an old British tradition. Women decorate their hats with lots of spring flowers and wear them in Easter Bonnet parades. Easter – other traditions CLICK ON THE TRADITIONS BELOW IF YOU WANT TO SEE A PICTURE

8 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 8 Vocabulary in alphabetical order: Bonnet = a special women hat with a ribbon tied under the chin Crucifixion = the act of crucifying Crucify = to kill people by nailing him to a cross Dried fruit = fruit exposed to sunshine Fertility = the ability to produce harvest Good Friday = in Czech Velký Pátek Lent = the period of fasting for 40 days before Easter Resurrection = in Christian religion the time when Jesus Christ returned back to life after his crucifixion Roll = round subjects roll if you let them go from high places to lower ones Sash = a long strip of cloth worn across the body over one shoulder and around the waist

9 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 9 Použité zdroje: Klobouk slide 4: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. pixabay [online]. [cit. 21.3.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: jaro-oble%C4%8Den%C3%AD-48864/ jaro-oble%C4%8Den%C3%AD-48864/ Hot cross bun slide 4: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. pixabay [online]. [cit. 21.3.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: k%C5%99%C3%AD%C5%BE-37777 k%C5%99%C3%AD%C5%BE-37777 Všechny ostatní obrázky: galerie klipartů MS Office.

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