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Present Simple and Continuous

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1 Present Simple and Continuous
author: Tereza Sommersová

2 What’s the difference between these tenses?
Present Simple děje se opakovaně (každý den, někdy, v pondělí, nikdy, …) u pocitových sloves (to like, to want, to love, …) I swim in the pond every day. He likes playing the piano. Present Continuous probíhá právě teď, v okamžiku kdy mluvíme (now, at the moment, …) nebo v blízké, plánované, budoucnosti – v tomto případě ale musí být řečeno KDY se činnost bude dít (tomorrow, next Monday, …) I am swimming in the pond now. He is playing the piano.

3 How to make a positive sentence
Present Simple podmět + (frekvenční příslovce) + sloveso + zbytek věty + (příslov. určení) I often read a book in the evening. !!! pozor !!! - ve 3. osobě čísla jednotného přidáváme ke slovesu „-s“ nebo „-es“ I read. He reads. I watch TV. She watches TV. Present Continuous podmět + sloveso „to be“+ „-ing“ + zbytek věty + (příslov. určení) I am reading a book now.

4 How to make a negative sentence
Present Simple před sloveso dáme „do not“ nebo „don’t“ I do not eat frogs every day. !!! pozor !!! - ve 3. osobě čísla jednotného dáváme „does not“ či „doesn‘t“ I do not read. He does not read. I don‘t watch TV. She doesn‘t watch TV. Present Continuous podmět + sloveso „to be“+ not + „-ing“ I am not reading a book now.

5 How to make a question Present Simple Present Continuous
před podmět dáme „do“ Do you eat frogs every day? !!! pozor !!! - ve 3. osobě čísla jednotného dáváme „does“ Do you read every day? Does he read every day? Do they often watch TV? Does she often watch TV? Present Continuous sloveso „to be“ + podmět + „-ing“? Are you reading a book now? Is she watching TV at the moment?

6 What are they doing? What do they do?
They are riding bikes. They are smiling. They ride bikes to work. They often smile.

7 What is it doing? What does it do?
It is eating. It eats every day.

8 What is he doing? What does he do?
He is playing golf. He plays golf every Monday.

9 What is she doing? What does she do?
She is flying. She usually flies in the evening.

10 What are they doing? What do they do?
They are kissing. They often kiss.

11 What is he doing? What does he do?
He is waving. He sometimes waves.

12 What is she doing? What does she do?
She is exercising. She exercises on Tuesdays.

13 What is he doing? What does he do?
He is using a computer. He often uses a computer.

14 Let’s practice… (translate)
Teď nepracují. Jana často vaří. Co děláš každou neděli? Kreslíš teď? Martin právě spí. Nechodí tam každý den. (on) Kdy se Jirka učí? Nemám rád zmrzlinu. Běháme každý večer. She is eating dinner. I don’t watch TV. How often do you drink coffee? They are not working (now). Jane often cooks. What do you do every Sunday? Are you drawing (now)? Martin is sleeping right now. He doesn’t go there every day. When does George study? I don’t like ice-cream. We run every evening. Teď jí večeři. (ona) Nedívám se na televizi. Jak často piješ kávu?

15 Good Luck In Using Both Tenses
Tereza Sommersová

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